In a shocking turn of events, a viral video has emerged showing Russian Marines capturing and detaining Ukrainian soldiers in the Kursk Region. The footage, which has garnered widespread attention on social media platforms, depicts the Russian soldiers handcuffing the Ukrainian troops and loading them into a vehicle.
The incident highlights the ongoing tensions in the region, as details about the conditions of the detainees remain unclear. The video’s authenticity is currently being scrutinized, adding to the intrigue surrounding the capture of the Ukrainian soldiers by Russian forces.
The video has sparked global attention and raised concerns about the escalation of military tensions between Russia and Ukraine. The capture of the Ukrainian troops serves as a stark reminder of the volatile situation in the region, with implications that could potentially affect international relations.
As the world watches the unfolding developments, the fate of the captured soldiers and the implications of this military action remain uncertain. The incident underscores the importance of ongoing diplomatic efforts to address the conflict between Russia and Ukraine and prevent further escalation of hostilities.
For more updates on this story and other breaking news, stay tuned to The Free Press Journal.
Watch the video by The Free Press Journal
Video “Russian Marines Capture Ukrainian Troops in Viral Video Shocking the World” was uploaded on 08/26/2024 to Youtube Channel The Free Press Journal
Propadanda total joke
Miesko przed kamerami a poza kazdy w leb ale przedtem niestety bardzo pocierpi. Kto czego szuka to najdzie Rosjo zwyciezaj AMEN
i have a feeling if i look at the rest of youre videos,.,.it will be russian baised AF !.., looks kinda fake ngl.
I can see USA troops surrendering like they did in Afghan 😂
The free press hope you will not flip against Russia
Moskwa studios
Ukrainian soldiers should surrender and protect their own lives and not fight for the US Administration and the EU and NATO. 😞
Bunch of Ukranian clowns 😂😂 led by a short comedian
How many of them were sent to war against their will, and before that were hunted like wild animals in Ukraine to be sent to the front only to die?
Save people's lives and look for the instigator who sends people and young people against their will to their deaths.
Problem IF you have a foreign passport.
Zalensky sent these men on a one way ticket and prayed for miracle!
But mainstream media says Ukraine is on a never-ending winning streak, and their forces are now surrounding Moscow?!
Note that even these bad guys were not carpet bombed by Russians; carpet bombing civilians is a trick the west would play.
A war which no side wins, aided and abetted by the west to bleed Russia. In turn the West the west too is in the brink of going bankrupt
Marines of the Black Sea Fleet!! UK may help sink their ships, but they cannot sink THEM !"
It was a one way mission. All done for the media
State news agency RIA said…..😂
The western media will never show this because they hide the lose.
Subtitle comments are pretty – stupid!
Russians are probably extra pissed at Ukraine
Russia all the way.
Well done Russia,at least these one's will live.
Putin Putin Putin Putin Putin
Acum nu va mai umflati in pene mercenarilor ??? sa le dea rusii de sa nu se vada si daca i ar prinde pe cei din Gettica care se filmau saptamana trecuta si cereu bani …datile de cheltuiala …
One of the Ukrainian prisoners (near the video end) was just a kid!
Poor Ukrainian
Araso rabota Rusia nikagda nazat.
Fake news…i russi sono stati catyurati