This’s Life In Namibia, The Most Mysterious Country In Africa Where Women Share Their Lives!
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Video “This’s Life In Namibia, The Most Mysterious Country In Africa Where Women Share Their Lives!” was uploaded on 08/27/2024 to Youtube Channel DiscoveryQuest
This’s Life In Namibia, The Most Mysterious Country In Africa Where Women Share Their Lives!
Interesting information
Afrikaa got it all ….
I am Kenya but has lived in Namibia. Some of the things said here are NOT true. For example, a photo of the Herero is shown when talking of the Ba-Himba.:Hereros have the Victorian headdress while Ba-Himba dressing is more scanty and adorn red ochre on their hair. Given, they were one group around 1900 but now have very distinct cultures and live a couple of 100 kilometers apart: Ba-Himba in Kaokoland next to the Atlanctic Ocean while : Hereros in the Central Namibia around the Okahandja area. Kindly appreciate peoples culture instead talking down to them and calling them primitive. Who really is primitive now?
Never, not me.!! I've been celibate for ten years. No problem resisting for me. Heck, I've only been divorced for 7 years. I'm a Christiaan.
Those are Boabab trees not quiver trees
Genetic diversity
Leave them be.
Why should you lie like that, the himba houses are made from cow dung mix with mud not human faeces, and the hair does not include human waste. I don't know at which himba village you where!
I need to go visit there.
Revolting and repulsive