The iconic television show “Baywatch” became a cultural phenomenon in the 1990s, thanks in part to its stunning cast of lifeguards running in slow motion across the beach. Now, over two decades later, some of the show’s original stars including Erika Eleniak, Brande Roderick, Brandy Ledford, Traci Bingham, and Nancy Valen are coming together to reflect on the impact of beauty standards set by the show.
In an exclusive interview with Entertainment Tonight’s Cassie DiLaura on the red carpet for ABC News Studios’ “After Baywatch: Moment in the Sun,” streaming on Hulu, the “Baywatch” stars open up about the pressures of maintaining the show’s beauty standards. They discuss how the intense focus on their looks affected their lives both during and after their time on the show.
Erika Eleniak, who portrayed lifeguard Shauni McClain on “Baywatch,” reveals how the pressure to look a certain way led her to struggle with body image issues. Brande Roderick, known for her role as lifeguard Leigh Dyer, shares her experiences with dieting and exercising excessively to meet the show’s expectations.
Brandy Ledford, Traci Bingham, and Nancy Valen also share their perspectives on the lasting impact of being part of a show that emphasized physical beauty above all else. They discuss how they have navigated their careers and personal lives in the years since “Baywatch” and how they have learned to prioritize self-acceptance and self-care.
The insightful and candid conversations with the “Baywatch” stars shed light on the challenges faced by actors in the entertainment industry when it comes to conforming to unrealistic beauty standards. The “After Baywatch: Moment in the Sun” special promises to be a must-watch for fans of the beloved show, offering a behind-the-scenes look at the real-life struggles and triumphs of its talented and resilient cast members.
Watch the video by Entertainment Tonight
Video “‘Baywatch’ Stars Opens Up About the Impact of Beauty Standards (Exclusive)” was uploaded on 08/30/2024 to Youtube Channel Entertainment Tonight
As a woman i knew what the gurls webt through to be " bikini ready "..
They look beautiful
I'm curious if the same line of questioning was posed to the men?
While beauty standards can be more intense for women, I just don't think this made up the bulk of their experience on the show as it is clear from the nuanced experiences.
Her tattos looks horrible 😮😮😮
One of my favourite shows I was able to save my sister from drowning because I watched this show. ❤
3:09 This Saturday will mark the one year anniversary of the passing of Nancy Valen's mom. My condolences to her family.
I know this actress from Under Siege.
Why did she talk to about her arms?