Brazil has taken a firm stance against Elon Musk’s X platform, suspending access to the social media giant due to its failure to meet a crucial deadline. This move comes as a blow to both the company and its users in Brazil, as they are now left without access to the popular platform. The decision to revoke access highlights the government’s commitment to upholding legal obligations and holding tech companies accountable for their actions.
The suspension of Elon Musk’s X platform is a clear indication that Brazil is not afraid to enforce regulations and take action against companies that do not comply with the law. By holding the social media giant accountable for missing the deadline, the government is sending a message that all companies, no matter how big or influential, must adhere to the rules and regulations set forth by the country.
This development has caused frustration and inconvenience for users who rely on Elon Musk’s X platform for communication and networking. With access now suspended, many are left wondering about the future of the platform in Brazil and how they will continue to connect with others in the absence of their usual social media platform.
The decision to shut down access to Elon Musk’s X platform underscores the importance of companies fulfilling their legal obligations and responsibilities. It serves as a reminder that no company is above the law, and that Brazil is willing to take necessary measures to ensure compliance with regulations. As the situation unfolds, it remains to be seen how both the company and the government will proceed in the aftermath of this suspension.
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Video “Brazil shuts down access to Elon Musk’s X” was uploaded on 09/01/2024 to Youtube Channel Global News
Freedom of speech!
Brazil there aren’t any saints in that country.
It is shame how few people are ruling over our FREDOM !!!!!! They do not care what they do to the WE PEOPLE.
La minoria ( no hay que olvidar) trastornada progresista, zurda abortera etc etc… y la insana izquierda queriendo callar la voz de la mayoria… VIVA LA LIBERTAD CARAJO 🦁🦁🦁🦁🇦🇷🇦🇷🇦🇷🇦🇷🦁🦁🇦🇷🇦🇷🇦🇷🇮🇱🇬🇹🇬🇹🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸 MILEI, LAJE TRUMP …. Stop the LEFT MADNESS
If only the other countries would follow suit.
Welcome to hall of shame. A country where corruption dominates, one judge from Supreme Court use his power to play the political divisions, Lula was involved in his nomination. His unlogical arguments about subsidiaries, possible crimes and interference, as it just happen in X, but the same happens in Facebook's pages, whatapp groups and also in YT. Not a good time to be proud, so stupid!
Elon musk is right… Freedom of speech is under attack after post 9/11… He had enough with politicians going war against him. Elon build nice things; They decide to go war with him. He need to protect US embassy reasoning.
Isn't Brazil a SOCIALIST Country?
Isn't their Government EXTREMELY CORRUPT?
Isn't their Government locking citizens up that speak out?
Weren't the Elections run by a guy that is in cahoots with the government?
If 'X' is your source of news, then this was probably a good idea from the Brazilian government.
Let say American Tourist gets kidnapped in Brazil. So, They can't use X to communicate embassy, relatives, and families. No freedom of speech for Brazil. — that's so pretty odd…. How do victims communicate?
Brazil does NOT have FREE SPEECH RIGHTS.
It's ok. They can still get their Kremlin propaganda from facebook.
Viva Elon
First rumble and now this
And they welcome Tiktok? Maybe someone should follow the money and see where it came from.
This is exactly what the powers it be want
Funny how the guy that practices censorship complains about censorship!
Brazil eats monkey soup
a lot of commies in the comments who want to ban what they don't agree with.
Good stuff from Brazil!
Oh yes, and we should pay a lot of attention to what Elon says… what a joke
Now talk about how their military relies on Elon Musk, and can't function without him.
Censorship is bad, m'kay.
Oh no, what a huge loss, not… More than half of Brazil believes that the Earth is flat. Good riddance.
No freedom of speech under the left government. the left hates the truth but the truth will set us free.
lula da silva is communist. communists hates freedom of speech.
If you didn't believe communists took over Brazil, now it's clear.
Lula sold out.
Brazil is afraid of free speech because of all the corruption. Canada is next.
Wow!!!! They’re scared. That’s a good thing. They can’t have us regular people knowing what they’re up to. Go, Brazil! Hack the ban!
Trudeau will do this soon
Typical commie move, no surprise at all. They're always about censorship and cash grabbing
I think X should be banned in Canada too, screw Musk and his clown cars.
Leftist government silencing dissent. Period. The Left hates free speech.
Hope That does't come here.
If it does Global new will be a lot busier
Brazil is starting to sound more and more like Canada every single day.
Dammit, it sucks I can't do hate speech now. It was all I lived for on X. What will I ever do?
They should also do that in america , ban onlyfans and tiktok .
So much for free speech….
Everything comes full circle, including the arrival of Nazi-like censorship in Canada.
I wish Canada would follow as well. X is nothing more than a right wing propaganda outlet. Bravo to Brazil.
Chi ni aochi 😆
Memberships to VPN services skyrocketed 😮
the only censorship allowed to be suppressed on twitter is whatever elon does not like and the only one allowed to suppress free speech is elon. get with the fuggin program. bravo to brazilian courts for doing what no corrupt western courts will ever do.
The wef-controlled woke mob can’t survive without censorship
If it wasn’t for an election coming up the Lib/DP’s would try a similar stunt.