As the new school year begins in the Democratic Republic of Congo, children in the conflict-ridden northeast are facing significant challenges in their preparation for education. The aftermath of conflict in the region has had a devastating impact on the lives of these young students, particularly those living in displacement camps near Goma.
The ongoing conflict in the DRC has left many children without access to a proper education, as schools in the north east region have been forced to close or operate under difficult conditions. For those living in displacement camps just a few kilometers away from Goma, the situation is particularly dire, with limited resources and infrastructure to support their learning.
FRANCE 24’s team on the ground has witnessed firsthand the struggles that these children are facing as they try to prepare for the new school year. Many are living in overcrowded and unsafe conditions, with little access to basic necessities such as food and clean water, let alone educational materials.
Despite these challenges, the children in the displacement camps remain resilient and determined to continue their education. They understand the importance of learning and the opportunities that education can provide for their future. However, without proper support and resources, their ability to succeed in school remains uncertain.
The impact of the conflict on education in the DRC serves as a stark reminder of the urgent need for increased humanitarian aid and support for vulnerable children in conflict-affected areas. Education is a fundamental right for all children, and efforts must be made to ensure that every child has access to quality schooling, regardless of their circumstances.
As the new school year begins, it is crucial that the international community comes together to support the education of children in conflict-affected regions like the DRC. Investing in education is not only a moral imperative, but also a critical step towards building a more stable and prosperous future for these young students and their communities.
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Video “Back to school: DR Congo conflict makes kids’ preparation particularly tough • FRANCE 24 English” was uploaded on 09/03/2024 to Youtube Channel FRANCE 24 English
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