French interior minister, Gerald Darmanin, has called for a migration treaty between the European Union and Britain following the tragic deaths of 12 migrants attempting to cross the Channel in what has been the deadliest incident of its kind this year.
Darmanin emphasized the need for the European Union to establish a “traditional migration relationship” with the UK in order to address the ongoing challenges of migration across the Channel. This comes as a response to the recent tragedy which has once again brought attention to the dangers faced by migrants attempting to reach the UK via small boats.
The proposal for a migration treaty between the EU and UK aims to address the root causes of such tragic incidents and to ensure the safety of migrants seeking to cross the Channel. This call for cooperation and collaboration underscores the need for a coordinated approach to migration management between the two entities.
As discussions continue on how to best address the issue of migration across the Channel, it is clear that a comprehensive and sustainable solution is needed to prevent further loss of life and ensure the safety and well-being of migrants attempting dangerous journeys.
Watch the video by FRANCE 24 English
Video “French minister calls for EU, UK ‘migration treaty’ after latest Channel deaths • FRANCE 24” was uploaded on 09/04/2024 to Youtube Channel FRANCE 24 English
About what tragedy for English or French they speaking about?
Migration treaty is "stop sending them".
No thanks
It is outrageous that the country allowing people to attempt to cross one of the busiest and most dangerous seaways in the world is asking for anything! They are culpable in these peoples deaths.
No treaties whatsoever until France gets its house in order, France should not be blackmailing the UK with peoples lives!
France could and should have prevented this tragedy from happening.
What WE need is to be back in the EU.
EASY ?!?!?!?🤔🤔🤔🤔🤔🤔🤔🤔
deport all invaders
As long as long as there's no fish attached to it or there will be trouble.
Always white women.
For the UK it is pretty simple, allow us to return them straight back to France. The channel crossings would then be pointless. I'm all in favour of having an office in France for those who want to apply for asylum, as long as they don't lie about who they are and where they come from. At least then they could support themselves once they are here rather than sponging off us hard working taxpayers rather than giving their money to smugglers.
The French must take responsibility for illegal immigration and stop it deporting foreigners who exploit the weakness of the French.
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