“Girl in the Palms” is a captivating adventure film following the journey of Luna, a young woman who sets out on a life-changing trip to Florida after experiencing a mysterious tragedy. Portrayed as a modern-day Alice in Wonderland, Luna encounters a variety of intriguing characters and embarks on illuminating adventures that shape her quest for self-discovery.
Directed by John Russell Cring, the film stars Alex Arriaza, Lupe Cuevas Romero, Charlie Vagabond Hayes, Laura Lafrate, and Tara Rule. The script, penned by Jon Russell Cring and Tracy Nichole Cring, beautifully weaves together themes of personal growth, resilience, and the power of human connection.
As Luna travels from hippie hideaways to the vast open sea to the edge of Key West, viewers are taken on a visually stunning and emotionally resonant journey. The film showcases the beauty of the natural world, while also delving deep into the complexities of the human spirit.
“Girl in the Palms” is a must-watch for fans of adventure and drama, offering a thought-provoking and ultimately inspiring exploration of one woman’s quest to find herself in the midst of life’s challenges. With subtitles available, this film is accessible to all audiences and is sure to leave a lasting impact.
Watch the video by Cinéma Cinémas
Video “Girl in the Palms (Adventure) Full Movie” was uploaded on 09/08/2024 to Youtube Channel Cinéma Cinémas
Gdzie polski lektor dzieki
Such a special movie❤
Very special film,enjoy it very much. Love the music
جميل جدا
This gal is beautiful…
The gal is beautiful but too many apes…
Love it from Haïti