Kamala Harris’s ability to provoke Trump during TV debate might annoy voters due to ‘infuriating trait’

Kamala Harris’s ability to provoke Trump during TV debate might annoy voters due to ‘infuriating trait’

During the recent TV debate between Vice President Mike Pence and Democratic Vice Presidential nominee Kamala Harris, many viewers and political analysts noted how Harris seemed to get under President Trump’s skin with her composed demeanor and pointed criticisms.

Harris, a former prosecutor and senator, was praised for her strong performance during the debate, effectively countering Pence’s arguments and holding her own on a variety of important issues. Her confident and measured responses seemed to rattle Pence at times, leading some to speculate that she may have struck a nerve with the Trump administration.

However, despite Harris’ impressive debate performance, there is one trait that some voters may find frustrating about her – her tendency to avoid giving direct answers to certain questions. Harris has been criticized in the past for her evasiveness on certain topics, and this “infuriating trait” may turn off some voters looking for clear and straightforward answers from their leaders.

Overall, Harris was widely seen as the winner of the Vice Presidential debate, with many praising her poise and confidence on stage. However, as the election draws nearer, it remains to be seen how voters will react to her style of communication and whether or not it will ultimately impact their decision at the polls.

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Video “Kamala Harris ‘got under Trump’s skin’ in TV debate – but ‘infuriating trait’ will annoy voters” was uploaded on 09/11/2024 to Youtube Channel The Sun