Pope Francis shines spotlight on China relations during visit to Singapore • FRANCE 24 English

Pope Francis shines spotlight on China relations during visit to Singapore • FRANCE 24 English

Pope Francis arrived in Singapore on Wednesday afternoon, continuing his tour of Southeast Asia with a focus on inter-faith dialogue and strengthening the Catholic Church’s presence in the region. The visit comes at a time when the Vatican is in the midst of renegotiating a controversial deal with China regarding the appointment of Catholic bishops in the country.

During his time in Singapore, Pope Francis is expected to celebrate a Mass that will draw around 55,000 people, including Catholics traveling from Hong Kong to attend the event. This signifies the importance of the Catholic Church in Asia, where it is a minority in many countries.

The spotlight is on the Vatican’s relationship with China, as the current agreement on the appointment of bishops is set to expire in October. This deal has been a point of contention, with critics accusing the Vatican of compromising its principles in exchange for better relations with the Chinese government.

Pope Francis’ visit to Singapore provides an opportunity for the Catholic leader to address these issues and emphasize the importance of religious freedom and dialogue in the region. As he continues his tour of Southeast Asia, all eyes will be on his interactions with Chinese officials and the potential implications for the Catholic Church’s presence in China.

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Video “Pope Francis visits Singapore with China relations in spotlight • FRANCE 24 English” was uploaded on 09/12/2024 to Youtube Channel FRANCE 24 English