Survivors of Derg dictatorship recall terror 50 years after fall of Ethiopia’s empire

Survivors of Derg dictatorship recall terror 50 years after fall of Ethiopia’s empire

Fifty years have passed since Ethiopia’s last emperor, Haile Selassie, was overthrown, marking the end of 44 years of monarchy and the beginning of a dark chapter in the country’s history. The military takeover led to the establishment of the Derg dictatorship, a brutal regime that ruled with an iron fist until 1991.

The fall of the emperor was the result of a popular uprising and a series of nationwide strikes that ultimately brought an end to the monarchy. However, the hopes of the revolution were soon dashed as the new Communist regime, led by the Derg, crushed dissent and imposed a reign of terror on the Ethiopian people.

One of the key groups that opposed the Derg dictatorship were the Addis Ababa University students, who played a central role in the revolution. Their demands for freedom and democracy were met with violent repression by the regime, leading to widespread arrests, torture, and killings.

To shed light on this pivotal moment in Ethiopian history, survivors and key figures from that era have shared their experiences and memories of the terror of the Derg dictatorship. Their testimonies serve as a reminder of the sacrifices made and the atrocities committed during those dark years.

As Ethiopia commemorates the 50th anniversary of the fall of the empire, it is important to remember the struggles of the past and honor the resilience of those who fought for freedom and justice. The scars of the dictatorship may still linger, but the voices of the survivors serve as a powerful reminder of the importance of never forgetting the lessons of history.

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Video “Fifty years after fall of Ethiopia’s empire, survivors remember terror of Derg dictatorship” was uploaded on 09/12/2024 to Youtube Channel FRANCE 24 English