Promoting peace and dialogue: Xiangshan forum seeks to enhance China’s military diplomacy summit

Promoting peace and dialogue: Xiangshan forum seeks to enhance China’s military diplomacy summit

This past week, Beijing played host to the Xiangshan Forum, China’s premier annual security conference. Delegates from over 90 countries gathered for this high-level event, focused on military diplomacy and promoting peace and dialogue in the region.

The forum opened with a keynote address from Chinese President Xi Jinping, who emphasized the importance of cooperation and communication in maintaining global security. He highlighted the need for countries to work together to address common challenges and build trust through dialogue.

Throughout the forum, discussions centered on regional security issues, military cooperation, and the role of China in international security. Delegates engaged in exchanges on a wide range of topics, from maritime security to counterterrorism efforts.

The forum also provided an opportunity for countries to showcase their military capabilities and foster greater understanding among participants. China’s military leaders highlighted the country’s commitment to peace and stability in the region, while also demonstrating their technological advancements and defense capabilities.

Overall, the Xiangshan Forum served as a platform for countries to come together, exchange ideas, and work towards building a more secure and peaceful world. By promoting dialogue and cooperation in the military realm, China hopes to strengthen relationships and contribute to global security efforts.

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Video “China’s military diplomacy summit: Xiangshan forum hopes to promote peace and dialogue” was uploaded on 09/13/2024 to Youtube Channel Al Jazeera English