Making Sweet Tea accompanies southern-born, black gay scholar and performer E. Patrick Johnson on his journey back home to the south to confront his past and narrate the lives of several black gay men whose stories he studies and performs.
Director : John L. Jackson Jr., Nora Gross
Cast : Duncan Teague, Harold Mays, Harold Hermann, George Eagerson (aka Countess Vivian), Charles Danner, Freddie Styles, E. Patrick Johnson, Shean Atkins
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Video “Making Sweet Tea: a Black Gay Story” was uploaded on 08/05/2024 to Youtube Channel Best Documentary
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A black gay story
Who fucking cares?
This intro makes me want some sweet tea damn
Dick Rings: an abomination.
This is why Fauci made Aids.
C'est une re di fusion entre deux hommes sans femmes et enfants çà s'achète.
Ouais je l'ai pas regardé à la premier alors la seconde j'ai pas le temps je m'occupe des plus jeunes qui ont besoin d'hommes et de femmes dignes de ce nom…
(Ouais non y a pas de nom, c'est divin le sacré, attention… et compréhension maximum, qui veut du chocolat… c'était piège vous y êtes pas, un peu de chzmpommy… mais bon Dieu là c'était possible d'en avoir, c'est plus des pommes… alors que vous… les autres… sans moi!.. c'est vrai tout çà sans mentir).
Wasted my time
Too many scumbags in the comments who probably don't realise how hard it can be to be gay in some places/communities
Sweet lemonade tea
We want the "Best Documentary" not the gayest, don't upload perverts like this again.
Przepraszam ale nic nie rozumiem ale czytanie mnie rzprasza a polubiłem wasz profil
By reading some other comments it seems like this great work of art can only reach open minded, empathetic, life experienced and mature individuals. Every bad comment should’ve stayed in their head. Hope they will be able to find peace within this lifetime.
Illegal in Sweden.
انا لا املك اي حكم مسبق تجاه المثلين لا ايجابيا ولا سلبي ما دامت الامور تسير بشكل طبيعي دون تظخيم قصتهم وابرازهم اكثر في المجتمع وتاثيرهم على الاطفال الى الان هذا لا باس به مادامو يعيشون حياتهم كباقي الناس لكن الامر سيكون مختلفا لو تم الترويج لهم بشكل اوسع نطاقا وجعلهم قدوة هذا يغير نظرتي ونظرة الكثير من الناس من المنطقه الرمادية بشكل جذري
They'll never say that we were never here and that's the sweet TEA, honey!

Im so excited to see a black gay love story! We NEED more stories!
This is
a beautiful story.
I could listen to Charles talk all day