A Day in Dubai with Barbie: A Dream Come True? – Video

A Day in Dubai with Barbie: A Dream Come True? – Video

Experience the ultimate Barbie fantasy in the heart of Dubai with this fun and exciting vlog! Follow Alicia, who transforms into travel Barbie for a day in Dubai, exploring all the over-the-top and Barbie-themed activities the city has to offer. With everything from pink coffee drinks to roller skating and even a drive-in movie experience, this video captures the whimsical and dreamlike world of Barbie come to life.

From pink-themed cafes to pink macarons and even a Barbie-inspired cocktail, Alicia truly embraces the Barbie lifestyle in Dubai. The video showcases the playful and colorful side of the city, with Alicia even finding herself recognized as “Barbie” by locals during her adventures.

Whether you’re a Barbie fan or just looking for a fun and whimsical day out in Dubai, this vlog is sure to inspire you to embrace your inner Barbie and live life to the fullest. So join Alicia on her Barbie adventure in Dubai and get ready to experience the world through pink-tinted glasses!

Watch the video by The Passport Couple

Barbie took over the world this year. Barbie. Barbie, Barbie. And now she’s taking over Dubai. Now I know I’m no Margot. Robbie, but seriously, who is? Today I’m transforming from normal Alicia to travel. Barbie. We’re finding the best, over-the-top Barbie themed activities in this very over-the-top town of Dubai.

It’s time to live my dream and be Barbie. So today’s kind of a dream come true for me. I’m Barbie. Not really, but I’m pretending to be Barbie for the day in Dubai because there’s so many Barbie worthy things to do here. And I really wanted a Barbie outfit.

I’m going to break my toes today. I don’t normally wear heels Oh, I’m stuck. Are you really? Oh, you broke your shoe. I did not. No, I’m kidding. I don’t know how you’re going to get that out I can’t bend over. right now when

I know. Can you get out of the shoe? Thank you! Good job. Look, I perfectly landed in that tiny crevice for L&N London Cafe. Thank you so much. Super special coffee drinks like the pink one, that, of course, I ordered as a Barbie. This is the Rose Spanish.

It’s condensed milk, steamed milk, rosewater and beetroot juice and espresso. Look at that layering. I love it. All right, I’m going to put this on just outside. I can definitely taste the espresso. It’s nice and strong is really good. Espresso. I still taste that rosewater. That is so strong.

We ordered the world’s largest pink macaroon. You can’t even tell it’s pink because everything in here is pink. I think the whole time we’ve been here, I’ve been trying to find a word for this, and I don’t even know if I have found it yet, but I feel like pink colorblind or something.

Like, I can’t tell, like, what is pink and what is not. Oh, my gosh. That looks so delicious in the middle. Hmm. The chocolate is not too chocolatey The cold raspberries So good. That was a good bite. Time to go roller skating How fun. This is so cute.

There’s nobody here, though. Literally zero people. So are you available to just, like, push me out there? That’s a bummer. I mean, don’t push. Just like, you know, kind of, like, guide me along. One. Two. Three. Four. Alright, we are at RollDXB And we seriously have the entire thing to ourself

Right now. We have the entire staff helping us. I have a personal trainer. I have a cameraman right now. The deejay is catering to us. It’s honestly epic. I truly feel like Barbie right now. Barbie and Ken set off on their adventure to the Real World. Cheers.

Okay, our first stop is a super cute cafe called Love Vibe Cafe. It has like pink booths and pineapples, and it’s all like, tropical. Our whole idea for this video came from a Time Out magazine that I got at the airport by happenstance and just flipped open

And was like, Oh, that’s fun marketing idea. a bunch of restaurants you can go to if you’re trying to be like Barbie, and we’re like, Wait a second, we could be like Barbie. So we’re here. I’ve never really been like the pink really froo-foo girl, but I am feeling it today.

It’s just so cute. It’s the cutest drink I’ve ever gotten. And it’s called Boy. Bye. Thank you so much. Come on. It’s pink. Mmm. It’s a really good burger. Look at that. It’s so pink inside. Just a regular beef cheeseburger with thousand island dressing.

Okay. I figured out what it is. It’s rosé wine. Perfect. With watermelon and pink cotton candy. This is so good. This is, like, the most refreshing alcoholic drink I think I’ve ever had. This. This. This is, like, stuck to my teeth. Thank you so much. Holy smokes. Oh, my God.

We got the old school drive in. It has popcorn and candy that you would get, like at a drive in movie theater. And it’s actually way pinker than I was expecting. I got to roll up my sleeves, and I want to get my new Barbie dress. All sticky, sweet. It’s delicious.

Oh, looks like a bikini top. It tastes like. It tastes like bubblegum and orangesicle. like an orange creamsicle. Barbie is no longer a size 2 Barbie’s tired. Barbie’s full. We came out just in time. There is another show tonight. I think it’s going to be a different one again.

But it’s at night, so it’s going to be lit up. Oh. Oh, Oh, my God. That was amazing. I love that. The white And it was just like, you know, just water and lights and, like, motion and stuff. But it was so beautiful. Maybe we should stay for the next one.

I didn’t have Kenough to buy my Barbie. A nice dinner So frustrating. But in all seriousness, in the Dubai mall, there’s not one. Not even two. There are three frickin McDonald’s. Three. And it’s not because they need them closer in certain areas. It’s just because they’re

So popular that they need more of them for people to go to. So one of them doesn’t just like spontaneously combust. Nate and I love marketing, so maybe I would actually be like marketing Barbie if I was Barbie, but this is pretty cool. They have the McDonald’s Cup as featured in Includes

The Office, Seinfeld, the Boyfriend, Space Jam, even a music video by Run-D.M.C.. That’s hilarious. I love that. That was amazing. Would it be okay if I stayed over tonight? Why? We’re girlfriend & boyfriend. To do what? I honestly don’t know. I haven’t thought about that. Yes! So close.

I can’t help but feeling just loving this moment. Can we say here for ever I’m loving this moment. Can we stay here together? Okay I’m ready to see my gynecologist. You did so good. I’m sorry. Okay. I’m gonna have some gnarly blisters today. You’re my Ken. I’m Kenough?

You’re Kenough for me. Thank you. He was calling us boring, So we’re doing the shot again. The guy recognized me upstairs when I was going back into the market. And when I came back out, he was like, “Oh, super!” Some lady who’s working in a restaurant. She’s like, “Hi, Barbie.” so cute.

Did you tell her to say that? Are you kidding me? All I could think about was how long I’m dying out here.

Video “BARBIE for a Day in Dubai (is this real life?)” was uploaded on 03/16/2024. Watch all the latest Videos by The Passport Couple on Gretopia