In the latest episode of BBC Earth’s Animals with Cameras, viewers are taken on a captivating journey into the daily life of baboons. These clever and curious creatures are often seen as mischievous, and the carefully placed cameras capture just how true that is.
Throughout the day, the cameras follow the baboons as they sleep, sunbathe, and explore their surroundings. From the way they interact with each other to their playful antics, viewers get a glimpse into the lives of these otherwise secretive animals.
One particularly interesting aspect shown in the episode is the baboons’ penchant for causing trouble near crops. As the cameras capture their mischievous behavior, it becomes clear that keeping them away from valuable harvests may not be as easy as it seems.
Animals with Cameras is a groundbreaking series that showcases the work of wildlife cameraman Gordon Buchanan as he collaborates with scientists and conservationists to place cameras on various animals. Through this unique approach, extraordinary discoveries are made about the lives of some of the planet’s most fascinating species, including the charismatic baboons.
Overall, this episode offers a fascinating look into the world of baboons, highlighting their intelligence, social dynamics, and playful nature. Viewers are sure to be captivated by the insights provided by the carefully placed cameras, shedding light on the lives of these remarkable animals.
Watch the video by BBC Earth
Video “A Day in the Life of a Baboon | Animals with Cameras | BBC Earth” was uploaded on 10/08/2024 to Youtube Channel BBC Earth
So Sensational
Long Live for ever, Each and Every Vegetarian in This Universe.
The word "BABU" is frequently used in India in the sense of father and Mr. etc. The origin of this word is that Eeat India Co. used to affectionately call their Indian servants BABOONS. Anyone who was called by the name of BABOON considered it an honor. To know the roots, check Hunuman with all due respect. It's a chest gazette stuff as India has changed a lot on the internet info.
Cool.. when viral tubi or prime? 😁 Free!!
It's interesting to study the animals' behavior, and the curious fact about these guys (according to the video, certainly) is that they are always together. That's a typical feature that defines most of the species living in Africa, provided that it's the best way for them to search for food and water supplies which benefits the whole flock.
0:47 Oh my gosh, he kissed me! He doesn't even brush his teeth!😳😳😳😳😮💨😮💨😬😬😬😬
I thought this was about a day in the life of a Trump??
Motionsicknes !!!!
Those seem really small to be baboons.
Now anit you the shit 😢 bird
You keep calling me baboo
Don't compare Trump to Baboons Baboons are more intelligent.
But we can call Cummala a Buffoon
Let’s compare the Baboons to you
0:46 I like this scene 🤣
It's a very dangerous spicies of money they can eat everything 😢 but they cute 🥰