A importância da visibilidade: Dando voz às pessoas com deficiência | Palestra de Mariana Torquato no TEDxUDESC – Video

A importância da visibilidade: Dando voz às pessoas com deficiência | Palestra de Mariana Torquato no TEDxUDESC – Video

In the TEDxUDESC video titled “Visibilidade que Transforma: Vamos dar voz às Pessoas com Deficiência,” speaker Mariana Torquato addresses the importance of giving a platform to people with disabilities in order to create a more inclusive society. Torquato shares her personal journey of living with a disability and the challenges she faced in being heard and seen in a world that often overlooks individuals with disabilities.

Through her powerful storytelling, Torquato highlights the struggles and discrimination faced by people with disabilities, and emphasizes the need for greater visibility and representation in all aspects of society. She challenges the audience to reflect on their own biases and perceptions towards people with disabilities, and calls for a shift in mindset towards creating a more inclusive and welcoming environment for all.

Overall, “Visibilidade que Transforma: Vamos dar voz às Pessoas com Deficiência” is a thought-provoking and inspiring talk that reminds us of the importance of listening to and amplifying the voices of those who are often marginalized in our society.

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Uma influenciadora digital propõe uma reflexão poderosa sobre “Visibilidade que Transforma”, destacando a importância de dar …

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Video “Visibilidade que Transforma: Vamos dar voz às Pessoas com Deficiência | Mariana Torquato | TEDxUDESC” was uploaded on 12/03/2024 to Youtube Channel TEDx Talks