A Liberal Judge Changes Election Law in Key Wisconsin Swing State Just Months Before Voting

A Liberal Judge Changes Election Law in Key Wisconsin Swing State Just Months Before Voting

In a recent ruling, a liberal judge in Wisconsin has altered election laws just months before the upcoming election, causing concern among election officials and politicians in the battleground state. Judge Everett Mitchell, known for his controversial opinions on criminal justice issues, has now allowed disabled Wisconsin voters to request and download electronic ballots, a move that could potentially lead to election administration problems come November.

This temporary injunction issued by Judge Mitchell has sparked debate and raised questions about the impact it may have on the election process in Wisconsin, a state that faced difficulties with absentee ballot tabulation during the last presidential race. With the election just around the corner, the decision to modify election laws has left many wondering about the potential implications and challenges that may arise.

As the political landscape in Wisconsin continues to evolve, this ruling by Judge Mitchell could have far-reaching consequences on the upcoming election. Stay tuned for more updates and analysis on this developing story.

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Video “Liberal judge alters election law in battleground Wisconsin months before election” was uploaded on 07/02/2024 to Youtube Channel New York Post