“Achieving a Heliogenic Civilization: A Talk by Thomas Schindler at TEDxBerlinSalon” – Video

“Achieving a Heliogenic Civilization: A Talk by Thomas Schindler at TEDxBerlinSalon” – Video

In the TEDx talk titled “Towards the HelioGenesis Civilization,” Thomas Schindler challenges the current economic and industrial norms by proposing a shift towards harnessing the abundant and free resources that nature provides. Schindler highlights how the current economic system, based on constant growth and consumption, is not sustainable in the long run due to its reliance on finite resources. He suggests that by tapping into nature’s mechanisms, such as enzymes, microorganisms, and biopolymers, we can create a new economy that is regenerative and sustainable.

Schindler introduces the concept of HelioGenesis, where the sun’s energy is harnessed to create a material abundance that can be accessible to everyone around the world. By adopting this approach, he believes that we can shift away from the current extractive and damaging practices towards a more harmonious and interconnected way of living. He argues that this shift in mindset can also lead to changes in governance systems and economic models, ultimately creating a more equitable and sustainable future for all.

Through his thought-provoking presentation, Schindler invites the audience to reevaluate their value chains and consider embracing the HelioGenesis principles in order to pave the way for a more prosperous and harmonious civilization.

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Could we – humanity – tap into the power of the most successful economy on our planet – nature – and satisfy our material needs …

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Video “Towards the heliogenic civilisation | Thomas Schindler | TEDxBerlinSalon” was uploaded on 05/07/2024 to Youtube Channel TEDx Talks