Borrowed Time III is a gripping action crime film that follows the story of Franck, a former detective who is forced to return to a life of crime in order to protect his family from his old enemies in the criminal underworld. Directed by Alan Delabie and David Worth, the film stars Eric Roberts, Louis Mandylor, and Costas Mandylor in leading roles.
The movie explores the inner turmoil of Franck as he grapples with his troubled past and the choices he made that continue to haunt him. Faced with the threat of his family’s safety, Franck must confront his external adversaries as well as the demons from his past in a race against time to ensure a future for his loved ones.
Borrowed Time III offers a thrilling and intense narrative that keeps viewers on the edge of their seats as Franck navigates through the dangerous world he thought he had left behind. With a stellar cast and a gripping storyline, this action crime film is a must-watch for all fans of the genre.
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Video “He Returns to Crime to Protect His Family | Action Crime | Full Movie” was uploaded on 11/10/2024 to Youtube Channel Kinopower
Interesting movie but no subtitles when they speak another language
Love it.
Hey where are you????