Adam Carolla Criticizes Gov. Gavin Newsom as He Leaves California: Calls Him a ‘Slippery Eel of Nothingness’

Adam Carolla Criticizes Gov. Gavin Newsom as He Leaves California: Calls Him a ‘Slippery Eel of Nothingness’

Comedian and podcast host Adam Carolla recently announced his decision to leave California, citing the state’s current conditions and slamming Democratic Governor Gavin Newsom in the process. During an appearance on “The Sage Steele Show,” Carolla expressed his discontent with living in Los Angeles, describing it as “horrible.”

Carolla, who has deep roots in the city and comedy scene, explained that he had been hesitant to leave due to his twins being in their senior year of high school. However, he ultimately decided that it was time to move on from California. He humorously mentioned that he would be attending his twins’ high school graduation in a U-Haul, indicating his plans to relocate soon.

In his criticism of Governor Newsom, Carolla called him a “sociopathic” figure and likened him to a “slippery eel of nothingness.” This outspoken commentary reflects the growing frustration among some Californians with the state’s current leadership and overall state of affairs.

As Carolla prepares to leave California, his departure serves as a reminder of the challenges facing the state and the ongoing debates surrounding politics, governance, and quality of life. With prominent figures like Carolla speaking out, it is clear that the issues in California are not going unnoticed.

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Video “Adam Carolla leaving ‘horrible’ California, slams Gov. Gavin Newsom: ‘Slippery eel of nothingness’” was uploaded on 06/25/2024 to Youtube Channel New York Post