Conor Crippen, a young man from Dayton, Ohio, recently shared his remarkable story of survival after suffering a traumatic brain injury. Surviving a horrific accident while attending Loyola, Conor was given only a 4 percent chance to live by doctors.
The accident left Conor fighting for his life, with his mother Kathy by his side, providing unwavering support throughout his recovery journey. Despite the low odds of survival, Conor defied all expectations and made a miraculous recovery.
Through countless hours of therapy and hard work, Conor has made remarkable progress in his recovery. His story serves as a testament to the power of determination and the unwavering support of loved ones during times of adversity.
Conor’s resilience and strength in the face of such a devastating injury are truly inspiring. He has not only defied the odds but has also shown that with perseverance and the support of loved ones, anything is possible.
As Conor continues his journey towards full recovery, his story serves as a reminder of the importance of cherishing every moment and never giving up hope, no matter how challenging the circumstances may be.
Watch the video by Inside Edition
Video “Man Given 4 Percent Chance to Live After Traumatic Brain Injury” was uploaded on 12/07/2024 to Youtube Channel Inside Edition
Nailed that title…
5th pls pin
Why 4% not 5% or 3%?
Someone’s getting sacked
Warrior. Have a great life buddy, cheering you on from my corner of the World.
He looks so much better now. He’s so healthy looking!
Fix the title from change to chance.
Employees have gotten way more incompetent after the pandemic.
😢 🙏🏻💙🙏🏻🩵🙏🏻💙🙏🏻🩵🙏🏻💙🙏🏻🩵
4% change? Otherwise interesting story. Life is precious.
He goes to college to study the brain, then gets into a car accident which causes his brain injury! That's no coincidence…I'm glad you're healing well 😊💐
4 percent change 🤔 who got paid to mess up that title?
Love that his sense of humor is still intact.
Good luck, Connor!
You're doing great!