Agata Capra and the Magic of Illusions | Mauro Curcuruto | TEDxMessina – Video

Agata Capra and the Magic of Illusions | Mauro Curcuruto | TEDxMessina – Video

Agata Capra is a renowned magician who has captivated audiences with her mesmerizing illusions for years. In her TEDxMessina talk, she shares with us the secrets behind the magic and the power of illusions to inspire wonder and awe in people.

Throughout the video, Agata delves into the intricacies of her craft, explaining how magic is more than just tricks – it is an art form that requires skill, practice, and creativity. She also touches on the psychological aspect of illusion, revealing how the power of suggestion and misdirection play a crucial role in creating magical experiences.

As Agata shares her personal journey and experiences as a magician, she emphasizes the importance of perseverance and dedication in mastering the art of illusion. She also highlights the impact that magic can have on people, bringing joy and a sense of wonder into their lives.

Overall, Agata Capra’s TEDxMessina talk is a fascinating exploration of the magic of illusions and the profound effect it can have on both the performer and the audience.

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Author Video Description

Un viaggio tra realtà e illusione, ispirato alla creatività e alla potenza simbolica del linguaggio che attraverso il nominare dà forma al mondo e alla realtà. Scopri come le illusioni possono diventare strumenti di conoscenza e creatività, persino per affrontare problemi concreti e possono diventare stimolo e guida nel viaggio che porta al compimento di noi stessi. Un racconto di magia, design e riflessione sul potere delle nostre visioni (e illusioni) interiori. Mauro Curcuruto è siciliano, vive nei pressi di Taormina e lavora da remoto come Design director in Subsense, una piccola e prestigiosa design firm con sede a Milano.
Niente lauree, si è formato sul campo, tra inciampi e capitomboli, tutti di rango. Quel po’ che sa lo deve a qualche libro e ai maestri incontrati lungo la via. Poi, per darsi un tono, ha conseguito il Master in UX Design presso Talent Garden (MI). Ha una modesta formazione umanistica, un’indole da buono, è curioso e pienissimo di dubbi.
Legge poesia e di rado la scrive. Ha pubblicato la silloge “L’esatta vertigine” (A&B editore). This talk was given at a TEDx event using the TED conference format but independently organized by a local community. Learn more at

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TEDx is an international community that organizes TED-style events anywhere and everywhere — celebrating locally-driven ideas and elevating them to a global stage. TEDx events are produced independently of TED conferences, each event curates speakers on their own, but based on TED’s format and rules.

Video “Agata Capra e la magia delle illusioni | Mauro Curcuruto | TEDxMessina” was uploaded on 01/24/2025 to Youtube Channel TEDx Talks