Ahead of Friday’s vote, Iranian presidential candidates deliberate on sanctions and foreign policy

Ahead of Friday’s vote, Iranian presidential candidates deliberate on sanctions and foreign policy

Iran’s presidential candidates gathered for a heated debate on Monday, discussing the country’s foreign policy and the impact of international sanctions. With just days before the election, the candidates outlined their plans to improve relations with other nations and tackle the economic challenges facing Iran.

Moderate conservative Bagher Ghalibaf pledged to align salaries with inflation in order to maintain purchasing power for the people. Reformist Masoud Pezeshkian focused on transparency and law enforcement to address economic issues. Hardline conservative Saed Jalili emphasized the importance of education and continuing eastward policies to end Iran’s isolation.

The upcoming election will determine which candidate’s solutions resonate most with voters as Iran struggles with high inflation and the economic strain of sanctions. The candidates’ positions on foreign policy and economic reform have been at the forefront of voters’ minds as they prepare to cast their ballots on Friday.

This debate was the fourth in a series leading up to the election, with one final debate scheduled for Tuesday. The candidates’ performances in these debates will be crucial in shaping public opinion and ultimately determining the next leader of Iran.

Al Jazeera’s Resul Serdar reported from Tehran, capturing the intensity and significance of the candidates’ discussions on sanctions, foreign policy, and economic challenges. Stay tuned for more updates as the election draws nearer.

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Video “Iranian presidential hopefuls discuss sanctions and foreign policy ahead of Friday’s vote” was uploaded on 06/25/2024 to Youtube Channel Al Jazeera English