Al Jazeera NewsFeed: Nationwide Protests in India Against Exam ‘Scam’ by Students

Al Jazeera NewsFeed: Nationwide Protests in India Against Exam ‘Scam’ by Students

Students in India have taken to the streets to protest against the recent examination scandal that has rocked the nation. The protests come after evidence of corruption and fraud surfaced, revealing that the results of some elite exams may have been tampered with.

The scandal has sent shockwaves through the education system, with many students feeling disillusioned and cheated by the process. The exams in question are crucial for students looking to further their education and secure a bright future.

The protests have been widespread, with students from various regions coming together to demand accountability and justice for the alleged manipulation of the examination results. The government has come under fire for its handling of the situation, with many calling for a thorough investigation and for those responsible to be held accountable.

As the protests continue to gain momentum, it remains to be seen how the government will address the concerns of the students and ensure fairness and transparency in the examination process. The future of many students hangs in the balance, as they wait for answers and justice to be served.

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Video “Students protest across India over examination ‘scam’ | Al Jazeera NewsFeed” was uploaded on 06/21/2024 to Youtube Channel Al Jazeera English