Algeria’s War for Independence: Love and War in Letters | Al Jazeera World Documentary

Algeria’s War for Independence: Love and War in Letters | Al Jazeera World Documentary

In the 1950s, Algeria faced a long and bloody struggle for independence from French colonial rule. Through the poignant letters written by Algerian resistance fighters, we gain insight into the personal sacrifices and unwavering determination of those who fought for freedom.

Historian Malika El Korso uncovered a touching letter written by 19-year-old Hassiba Ben Bouali, expressing her love for her family and her commitment to liberating her homeland. Tragically, Hassiba was killed in battle shortly after writing the letter, highlighting the immense sacrifices made by these brave individuals.

Colonel Lotfi and Ahmed Zabana also left behind heartbreaking letters to their loved ones before meeting their untimely fates in the fight for independence. These letters serve as powerful reminders of the personal toll of war and the deep connection these fighters had to their families and their cause.

“Letters of Love, Letters of War” is a moving documentary that delves into the hidden stories and personal testimonies of those who fought for Algeria’s independence. It sheds light on the human side of conflict and the enduring legacy of those who fought for freedom.

Watch the video by Al Jazeera English

Video “Letters of Love, Letters of War: Algeria’s war for independence | Al Jazeera World Documentary” was uploaded on 06/28/2024 to Youtube Channel Al Jazeera English