“That is All” is a heartfelt romance and drama film directed and written by Mark Weeden. The story follows Ryan, a man in his 30s who is struggling with loneliness and trying to navigate through life. However, everything changes when he meets Sam, his friend’s boyfriend, and the two form a close bond.
As Ryan and Sam grow closer, Ryan is forced to confront his own identity and what it means for his existence. The film beautifully explores themes of self-discovery, acceptance, and the power of human connection.
The cast, including Joel Ballanger, Al Braatz, and Sara Hinding, deliver powerful performances that bring the characters to life. The chemistry between the leads is palpable, making the emotional journey of the film even more impactful.
Overall, “That is All” is a moving and thought-provoking film that will resonate with audiences who appreciate a heartfelt romance with a touch of drama. It is a must-watch for cinephiles looking for a meaningful and engaging story.
Watch the video by Cinéma Cinémas
Video “That is All (Romance) Full Movie” was uploaded on 01/07/2025 to Youtube Channel Cinéma Cinémas
Je ne sais pas qui a eu l'idée de cette vidéo, mais c'est manifestement un génie. Et le chat aussi🔥
Vos vidéos sont toujours si profondes et si sincères. Merci pour votre créativité et votre sincérité !⛳️👄🐙
Vos vidéos ne sont pas seulement un spectacle, elles sont un véritable voyage de connaissance et de découverte. Continuez à faire du bon travail !🦓😃⛺️
T le couz a Léopold ?
I think is brilliant 🤩
Thank you so much