In the upcoming comedy film “Anaconda,” starring Jack Black, Paul Rudd, and Daniela Melchior, a group of circus performers find themselves stranded in the rainforest after an anaconda attacks their boat. As they try to survive in the dangerous environment, they encounter a poacher who is hunting the massive anaconda and sees them as potential bait. Using their circus skills, the performers must come together to outwit the deadly threat and make it out of the rainforest alive. Written by Tom Gormican & Kevin Etten, “Anaconda” promises to be a thrilling and hilarious adventure, filled with action, comedy, and unexpected twists. Stay tuned for the release date of this highly anticipated movie and prepare yourself for a wild ride with Jack Black and Paul Rudd in “Anaconda.”
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Video “ANACONDA – Jack Black & Paul Rudd Announcement (2025)” was uploaded on 12/24/2024 to Youtube Channel
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