Anjem Choudary, Jailed Hate Preacher, Attempts to Deceive Police About Banned Terror Group, in Shameful Moment

Anjem Choudary, Jailed Hate Preacher, Attempts to Deceive Police About Banned Terror Group, in Shameful Moment

Jailed hate preacher Anjem Choudary was caught in a shameful moment as he attempted to deceive police officers during questioning about his involvement with a banned terror group. In a video obtained by The Sun, Choudary is seen sweating and squirming as he tries to manipulate the authorities.

The notorious cleric, known for his extremist views and radical preaching, was jailed in 2016 for inviting support for ISIS. Despite being behind bars, Choudary continues to be a divisive figure, with many accusing him of spreading hate and encouraging violence.

In the video, Choudary can be seen stuttering and stumbling over his words as the officers question him about his association with the banned terror group. His discomfort is evident as he attempts to deflect and avoid giving direct answers.

The footage serves as a stark reminder of the dangers posed by individuals like Choudary, who use their platform to radicalize others and incite violence. It also highlights the importance of continued vigilance and enforcement by law enforcement agencies to combat extremism and terrorism.

Choudary’s attempt to deceive the police is a clear indication of his guilt and complicity in promoting dangerous ideologies. His actions not only betray a lack of remorse for his crimes but also a blatant disregard for the safety and security of others.

As the video circulates, it serves as a chilling reminder of the need to remain vigilant against hate and extremism. Choudary’s attempts to manipulate the authorities only further underscore the importance of holding individuals like him accountable for their actions and preventing them from spreading their toxic ideologies.

Watch the video by The Sun

Video “Shameful moment jailed hate preacher Anjem Choudary tries to fool cops over banned terror group” was uploaded on 07/30/2024 to Youtube Channel The Sun