Arce, President of Bolivia, Confronts Alleged Coup Attempt in Midst of Economic Crisis and Growing Discontent

Arce, President of Bolivia, Confronts Alleged Coup Attempt in Midst of Economic Crisis and Growing Discontent

Bolivia’s President Luis Arce is facing mounting challenges as the country grapples with a failed coup attempt and a deepening economic crisis. Despite overcoming the recent coup, political instability looms large as Bolivia struggles with dwindling gas reserves, rising costs, and a shortage of dollars. Citizens are expressing growing disillusionment with Arce’s government, feeling abandoned in their time of need.

The country, home to the world’s largest lithium reserves, has yet to see significant returns on investment efforts. With next year’s elections on the horizon, many Bolivians are hoping for change as they navigate through these uncertain times.

As President Arce works to strengthen support for his government following the coup attempt, Bolivia finds itself in the midst of an economic crisis that shows no signs of abating. Al Jazeera’s Teresa Bo reports from the capital, La Paz, shedding light on the challenges facing Bolivia as it grapples with political instability and economic turmoil.

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Video “Bolivian President Arce Faces Alleged Coup Attempt Amid Economic Crisis and Rising Discontent” was uploaded on 06/29/2024 to Youtube Channel Al Jazeera English