As tensions continue to escalate between Ukraine and Russia, Ukrainian forces have made significant strides by advancing into Russia’s Kursk region. Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy has revealed that talks are underway to establish a military administration in Kursk, with the aim of facilitating the evacuation of civilians and creating a strategic buffer zone to protect Ukraine’s border areas from further Russian attacks.
The bold move by Ukraine has not only caught Russia off guard but has also reignited calls for Western allies to reconsider their restrictions on the use of weapons in the conflict. The situation on the battlefield is rapidly evolving, prompting experts to analyze the implications of crossing red lines and potential changes that could impact the ongoing crisis.
Military analyst Robert Murret of Syracuse University, former NATO strategic policy planner Fabrice Pothier, and Kurt Volker, former U.S. Ambassador to NATO under George W. Bush, and Center for European Policy Analysis, provide insights on the complex dynamics at play in the Russia-Ukraine conflict.
The video titled ‘Are Putin’s red lines serious nuclear threats or blackmail?’ by DW News delves into the critical discussion surrounding the red lines set by Russian President Vladimir Putin and how altering them could shape the future of the conflict. With NATO, Russia, and Ukraine at the forefront, the stakes are high as the world watches closely to see how this volatile situation unfolds.
As tensions continue to simmer and military maneuvers intensify, the international community is left grappling with the gravity of the situation and the potential repercussions of crossing red lines. The conflict in Ukraine serves as a stark reminder of the delicate balance between diplomacy and military brinksmanship on the global stage.
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Video “Are Putin’s red lines serious nuclear threats or blackmail? | DW News” was uploaded on 08/15/2024 to Youtube Channel DW News
Putin is a coward
Putin's red lines are there for one reason. To be broken.
Western media noise a lot but truth not telling publicly 😂
Red lines? What a joke😂
I can't see the future but if Ukraine continues like this it won't be long before MOSCOW is taken! If Ukraine takes Moscow, they aren't far from the capitol, this War is over
Ukren next 2nd most powerful army.. 3rd russia😢
Tiếng Việt sau nầy; bây giờ là tiếng Anh.
Ukraine's successful advance into Russia at such depth in such a short time
=> Russian defence is very, very bad (and Russia is about to surrender),
# or Russians let open a trap,
# or Russian people now have a mortal reason for a do-or-die war.
# The main purpose of this Ukrainian attack into Russia is MONEY + MONEY + PROFIT.
# Ukraine would need at least 200,000 troops attacking Russia on many fronts if it hopes to make a significant change to its current grim situation.
# With only a few thousand troops in a pocket on Russian territory, the Ukrainians would soon all perish, or surrender.
# Maybe the real purpose of this Ukrainian suicidal attack is to draw NATO troops into the war.
# => Larger war, more soldiers => More profit for the US coorporate owners' war-making business of selling ammunitions and guns, bombs and tanks, military hats and boots, …. plus LNG (replacing Russia's) and wheat (replacing Ukraine's), plus Ukraine's signing debt papers non-stop, plus Ukraine selling its land and assets on the cheap, ….
# That is, more profit for the US thousand-billion-dollar business.
I believe the word is extortion
Ukraine and the Baltic countries know best how to deal with Russia. The west should listen to them more
American interference enough is enough.
If Russia had the means to enforce any of these red lines, they'd be doing better against Ukraine than they have been. It's clear NATO could utterly obliterate Russia's forces if it came to that. The west needs to stop self-limiting and allow Ukraine to defeat Russia.
Nuclear threat means he has to use it to make the threat effectively
At this point anything coming from Putin is more of a tired joke than a threat or blackmail
Walang silbing UN
False hope 🙄
Good, send everything you can and finally lift those ridiculous restrictions and allow Ukraine to hit anything they like. And if the US is holding UK back, then just ignore it, give green light and revert back to US after (as always) nothing escalated due to this and say: see? Now go and search your backbone
who did emperor palpatins voice???
The guy is smart enough to know the consequences of firing the nukes. The bunker he likely has somewhere wouldn’t save him. It’s a bluff.
nuke nuke nuke nuke nuke
Putin is the only "adult in the room," but there will come a day when the children feel the full belt! God help us all! 😱
Nothing is decided yet – don't worry… pat the horse
Putin's redlines are only imaginary. Nothing happens when they are crossed.
if it was not for the US, putting troops near the Russian border. there would not have been a war, putting usa eu troops near that border was a big mistake, so to me, Ukraine is fighting your battle. so they should be able to use whatever they want in this war. and the world should be providing whatever they need,
youre stealing lines on maps from william spaniel now?
Ukraine has all the rights to do EVERYTHINGS, ANYTHINGS, WHATEVER until Russia gets out from all Ukraine territories which included Crimea…as simple as that…
Medvedev was saying the truth and he saw it coming, that's why now he's watching at the background and pointing finger at someone's mistakes and misunderstandings ❤😂😢😮😅
My uncle used to intimidate us when we were young but when we grew up he met me sleeping in his bedroom
Suppose if they nuke their own land nobody can’t say anything 🤔
If the Russians would have used their weapons morally and only attacked military targets, I think the war would have been over already?!? The fact that they didn’t, means that these were either deliberate crimes or stupendous levels of incompetence. Choose your poison.
Maybe germany can send now tens or hundreds of their tanks to kursk. And france, netherlands with their aircrafts then US with their missiles or air offense and defense..
руззіунс муст діе
Ukraine and the rest of the world has crossed Putins "red lines" 37 times now.
Red lines are like the blue light in Rambo III.
Before Putin invaded Georgia, Crimea, Donbas and the rest of Ukraine, he stopped talking about any reference to invading them. When Putin threatens to use nukes is when he is least likely to use them. When you have to worry is when he stops threatening to use nukes. As far as I can tell, he stopped talking about nukes when Ukraine invaded Russia. Normally you would think that would be the time when he would most threaten to use nukes. Just an observation.
After 2.5 years Ukrainians attack Russian territory. I think Ukrainians attacked a little bit too late. They may not get to Moscow before winter 🙂
Ukraine will lose everyone knows even if you support Ukraine . It is the truth ☝️👍
Putin all mouth!!!
Is the collective force of the west and USA pushing Russia to the next level? Scary
in a way, Russian red lines being invisible or uncertain (which is the official US intel estimate) is more dangerous than them being stated. The West is actually making up its own red lines when it comes to Russia and then crossing them. The real Russian red lines are unknown, there could be a tripwire that Ukraine is simply going to cross and all the missiles will be launched
Time for NATO to give Russia some red lines of it's own. Park a carrier group just off port cities like Murmansk. Blockade all trade and send a strong message that NATO is about to crawl all up in their massive country. Let them know that we know their army too battered and spread too thin to protect ALL of Russia. Time to let them know we're done with their attempts to destabilize NATO countries and interfere in our elections. They openly state they're at war with us. Let them know we're ready to go… today.
Imagine if France attacked Africa and threatened to use nukes if the fight back: Russia just have to leave Ukraine alone.
Ukraine will be soon wipe out …