Are We Honoring the Right Leaders? | Martin Gutmann | TED – Video

Are We Honoring the Right Leaders? | Martin Gutmann | TED – Video

Are We Celebrating the Wrong Leaders? | Martin Gutmann | TED

In the TED Talk “Are We Celebrating the Wrong Leaders?” by Martin Gutmann, Gutmann challenges our perception of leadership by asking us to consider the kind of leaders we are celebrating. Through a thought experiment involving two polar explorers, he illustrates the difference between crisis-driven leaders and quietly effective leaders.

Gutmann argues that we often celebrate leaders who thrive in dramatic and crisis-ridden situations, like Ernest Shackleton, while ignoring leaders like Roald Amundsen who excel through meticulous planning and preparation. He highlights the importance of recognizing and celebrating leaders who work behind the scenes, subtly and effectively guiding their teams to success.

Gutmann warns against the dangers of glorifying crisis-driven leaders, as it can create a toxic culture within organizations and perpetuate a cycle of rewarding the wrong kind of leadership. He encourages us to reevaluate our notions of good leadership and focus on recognizing those who bring about meaningful and sustainable change.

Through engaging storytelling and insightful analysis, Gutmann challenges us to rethink our perceptions of leadership and celebrate the leaders who truly make a positive impact. He leaves us with a powerful message: the next time we are faced with a crisis, who do we want to lead us – the one who thrives in chaos, or the one who prevents it in the first place?

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Video Transcript

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Video “Are We Celebrating the Wrong Leaders? | Martin Gutmann | TED” was uploaded on 05/28/2024 to Youtube Channel TED