The video titled “Lizard Rescued From Highway in Arizona” showcases the heartwarming rescue of a Nile monitor lizard that was found hiding in a storm drain alongside a highway in Arizona. The reptile wranglers called to the scene had their hands full trying to remove the stubborn lizard from its hiding spot.
Despite the lizard’s reluctance to cooperate, the experienced wranglers were determined to safely remove it from harm’s way. The video captures the tense and suspenseful rescue operation, as the wranglers carefully coax the lizard out of the storm drain.
Ultimately, the wranglers were successful in rescuing the lizard and bringing it to safety. The heartwarming video serves as a reminder of the importance of wildlife conservation and the dedication of individuals who work tirelessly to protect and rescue animals in need.
Watch the full video to witness the thrilling rescue mission and see the lizard’s journey to safety in this captivating wildlife rescue story.
Watch the video by Inside Edition
Video “Lizard Rescued From Highway in Arizona” was uploaded on 07/11/2024 to Youtube Channel Inside Edition