Artisans in Italy Learn the Art of Neapolitan Pizza-Making – Video

Artisans in Italy Learn the Art of Neapolitan Pizza-Making – Video

If you want to master the art of pizza making, there’s no better place to learn than in Naples, Italy. This city is considered the birthplace of pizza, and a school here is dedicated to teaching students how to craft the perfect Neapolitan pie. The video showcases artisans learning the traditional methods and techniques for making pizza, starting with selecting the right ingredients. While there are countless variations of pizza found around the world, many people still hold a special place in their hearts for the classic Neapolitan version. Watch as these students immerse themselves in the rich culinary history of Naples and perfect their pizza-making skills. Whether you’re a pizza lover or simply appreciate the craftsmanship behind this beloved dish, this video is sure to leave you craving a slice of authentic Neapolitan pizza.

Watch the video by Inside Edition

Video “Artisans Learn Neapolitan Pizza-Making at School in Italy” was uploaded on 06/21/2024 to Youtube Channel Inside Edition