At least 21 people were killed and multiple others were injured in a devastating Israeli airstrike on a Christian-majority village in northern Lebanon. The strike targeted a house that was being rented to displaced families, according to the town’s mayor. This tragic incident is the latest indication of Israel’s escalating conflict with Hezbollah militants throughout Lebanon.
While Israel’s primary focus has previously been in the south and the capital city of Beirut, this recent airstrike in a northern village demonstrates a widening of the conflict zone. The attack has left the community reeling with the loss of innocent lives and the destruction of property.
This strike adds to the growing tension between Israel and Hezbollah, with fears of further retaliation and escalation from both sides. The international community has called for a peaceful resolution to the conflict, urging all parties to prioritize the safety and well-being of civilians caught in the crossfire.
As the situation continues to unfold, it is essential for diplomatic efforts to be ramped up in order to prevent further loss of life and suffering in Lebanon. The tragic events in the Christian-majority village serve as a stark reminder of the devastating impact of war on communities and the urgent need for a peaceful resolution to the conflict.
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Video “At least 21 killed in Israeli strike on village in northern Lebanon | DW News” was uploaded on 10/15/2024 to Youtube Channel DW News
Operation asteroids not meteriology
What's the weather

Shame on you DW news why you don't say why Israel target their because hezbollah terrorist commander hide there
The former Prime Minister of France, Manuel Valls, told Le Point magazine: "If Israel falls, we fall with it." Therefore, Israel is merely a military base for Europe and a contractor for the United States.
Maybe Hezbollah should stop attacking Israel and Israel won’t respond ?
Lebanon have only theirselves to blame. Harbouring terrorists amongst their civilians and then want to cry victim when israel defends itself anyway.
8:10 For context, "many of them are difficult to identify" is code for terrorists.
Any legal house anywhere in the world has names registered to it. Most countries even have an estimate how many people live in the home.
Ask yourself, why would IDF target that specific house all the way in the north? Does it have same compromised Hezbollah electronic devices like pagers and walkie talkies? Does the house serve as meeting for local Hezbollah to regroup?
If UNIFIL are the eyes and ears of the UN Security Council in Lebanon why did they not see and hear Hezbollah digging tunnels under their noses. They did see and hear but chose to ignore what Hezbollah were doing on Israel`s border. Shame on the UNIFIL and shame on the UN.
Maybe Hezbollah shouldn’t use human shields
Why on earth is Israel allowed to get away with this?
The world needs to know who is the most evil.
Aggression is a sign of weakness
There mission is to eat setdown n do nothing..
Israel was warning Lebanon for many months that they will turn Lebanon to stone age now it comes real
Poor Lebanon, lies between the sea and the "beautiful land" ,, The color blue in symbolism means heavenly power or imaginary heavenly power.
For 11 months of Hezbollah's bombing of Northern Israel no one ask to stop Hezbollah, now Israel is retaliating the world keeps blaming Israel. Israel is fighting alone against the forces of evil and the United Nations who is at the side of the terror group organisation.
We here in Ireland are watching fellow European countries support Israel aggression and supplying weapons as well. We are horrified by this support and we have no longer anything in common with those countries. Peace please
If you want to blame who started this Ishmael

How is all this still justified with october 7th?
UN supports terrorists but have no spine to stand in Russia's way in Ukraine
Hezbollah is responsible for these deaths.
Hezbollah should stop hiding behind civilians
Israel defeating innocent civilians not terrorists
i agree poor lebanon no civilians should be dieing everyone should just bloody get along , but if they allow terrorist to hide or use there land what is israel meant to do?
"Who ever controls the medias, controls your minds" Jim Morrison
How can you allow yourself to call human beings scores ???
If they were German will you call them scores ?
I think we should all boycott your channel !
This is evil, killing civilians and the leader who done this is smiling, just evil.
plz unsubscribe this Chanel
israel should impose thz resolution un is useless
Netanyahu is talking about mercy

1 hour after this video is posted we can see 39 comments but half are available to read thanks to YT blocking comments
UNIFIL is INUTILE in preventing this war
My prayers for PEACE in the Middle East.
bibi is a dead man walking. he knows it and he will go out gunz blazing. scary. very scary.
Do you and Checkpoint is the Eisen ears of the security council? Where were those eyes and ears when 90 feet in front of the compound there was tunnels being dug by terrorist? This is a joke you and needs to get out. They’ve been there for 18 years and they’ve done absolutely nothing but spend money
People should evaluate for their safety
All reporters paid by Iran?
Israil jenoside kor Raha hai
This is pure double standards. UNIFIL is suppose to prevent any attacks from either sides to keep the peace. Why are they oblivious of Hezbollah digging trenches and stockpiling missiles hitting Israel with gay abandonment? Is UN siding with Hezbollah?
21 soldiers or civilians if civilians does not fair