Attacked by a Massive Black Bee! – Video

Attacked by a Massive Black Bee! – Video

Stung by a GIANT Black Bee!

In the video titled “Stung by a GIANT Black Bee!” Brave Wilderness host, Mark Vins, sets out to catch and identify a massive black carpenter bee in Borneo. The bee is intimidating with its size and powerful sting potential. After a chaotic attempt at catching the bee, Mark finally gets stung and the pain is evident. Undeterred, he catches a second even larger bee and willingly gets stung again. The pain is intense and the aftermath is even worse with swelling and discomfort for days. Mark rates the giant black carpenter bee a 8.3 out of 10 on the Brave Wilderness sting index, highlighting its intimidating size and painful sting. Watch as Mark encounters these massive bees and experiences their sting firsthand in this thrilling and intense video adventure.

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Video “Stung by a GIANT Black Bee!” was uploaded on 06/15/2024 to Youtube Channel Brave Wilderness