Behind the Scenes of Rivian’s Electrical Testing Labs – Video

Behind the Scenes of Rivian’s Electrical Testing Labs – Video

BTS of Rivian’s Electrical Test Labs

Step behind the curtain and into the world of Rivian’s Electrical Test Labs in this exclusive BTS video. As you enter the lab car, you are greeted with a sight straight out of a Transformers movie. This unique lab allows you to see the inner workings of a modern vehicle, without any wheels or panels obstructing your view.

Engineers at Rivian use this space to conduct extensive testing to ensure that all components work seamlessly together before being deployed in actual road cars. The electrical Hardware lab is where the components truly come to life, showcasing Rivian’s innovative approach to redesigning the entire electrical architecture of their new vehicles.

With a focus on reducing weight and improving efficiency, Rivian has streamlined their electrical system, cutting down on 1.6 miles of wiring and saving 44 pounds in weight. In the garage, hardware and software come together seamlessly, creating the finished R1S and R1T vehicles.

Notable features of the new R1S include a captivating battery charging animation on the front lights and a user interface that enhances the driving experience. And according to the video creator, driving the Rivian vehicles is just as exhilarating as you would imagine. Get an exclusive look at the innovation happening behind the scenes at Rivian’s Electrical Test Labs in this must-watch video.

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Video “BTS of Rivian’s Electrical Test Labs” was uploaded on 06/06/2024 to Youtube Channel CNET