Benjamin Netanyahu urges Congress to condemn Hamas ‘barbarism’

Benjamin Netanyahu urges Congress to condemn Hamas ‘barbarism’

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu delivered a powerful speech to Congress on Wednesday, emphasizing the importance of defeating the barbarism of Hamas. The themes of gratitude and purpose were central to his address, as he spoke passionately about the need to fight against the violence and extremism perpetuated by the terrorist organization.

Netanyahu’s address was described as “absolutely dazzling,” capturing the attention and admiration of those in attendance. He detailed the heinous acts committed by Hamas, including the use of human shields and targeting of innocent civilians. He made it clear that the international community must stand together to condemn and combat such barbarism.

The Israeli Prime Minister emphasized the importance of unity in the face of evil, stating that “barbarism must lose.” He called for continued support and solidarity in the fight against terrorism, emphasizing the need for strength, resilience, and determination in the face of threats to peace and security.

Netanyahu’s speech was met with resounding applause and praise, with many applauding his strong stance against terrorism and his unwavering commitment to defending the values of democracy and freedom. As the world continues to grapple with the challenges of extremism and violence, Netanyahu’s words serve as a powerful reminder of the need to stand together in the fight against barbarism.

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Video “Israeli PM Benjamin Netanyahu tells Congress Hamas ‘barbarism’ must lose” was uploaded on 07/24/2024 to Youtube Channel New York Post