Best Activities in Ljubljana, Slovenia – Video

Best Activities in Ljubljana, Slovenia – Video

Ljubljana, the capital of Slovenia, is a breathtaking city filled with history, culture, and natural beauty. The city offers an array of activities that appeal to tourists of all ages. First and foremost, Ljubljana Castle is a must-see landmark that provides stunning views of the city. The castle, with its medieval architecture, offers an enriching experience for history enthusiasts.

One of the city’s liveliest spots is the Central Market, where visitors can immerse themselves in the local culture by sampling fresh produce, meats, and cheeses. The market is also a great place to shop for souvenirs and local artwork.

A visit to the famous Dragon Bridge is essential to any trip to Ljubljana. The bridge, adorned with four copper dragons, is a symbol of the city and offers a glimpse into local folklore.

Soon after, exploring the Triple Bridge will provide a glimpse into the city’s rich history, and it is a bustling area with street vendors, artists, and street performers.

One of the city’s most iconic landmarks, the pink church, also known as The Franciscan Church of the Annunciation, is sure to impress with its unique architectural style.

The city also offers various recreational activities, such as riverboat cruises, lake excursions to Lake Bled, and bike tours for those wishing to explore the city’s landscape.

In addition to sightseeing and activities, Ljubljana provides a diverse culinary scene and plenty of shopping opportunities.

Visitors can indulge in authentic Slovenia dishes and purchase locally made goods at artisanal shops. The local milk vending machine, located in the city, is also a unique experience, allowing visitors to enjoy fresh, unpasteurized milk straight from the source.

Overall, a trip to Ljubljana is an enriching experience that will leave travelers in awe of the city’s beauty and cultural richness. So, whether it’s exploring historical landmarks, indulging in local cuisine, or simply taking a walk along the charming streets, Ljubljana has something to offer for everyone.

Watch the video by Sharing the Road

We’re in lublana right now the capital of svenia and today we’re going to walk you through the top things you need to see in this amazing City Luana is one of our favorite cities in Europe and there’s so much to see in slovenia’s capital let’s start with the first thing

On our list luana’s iconic Castle perched upon a cliff overlooking the city this Castle has been one of luana’s defining landmarks for centuries while original Roman forts were built on the Hill over 1,000 years ago the Castle’s current form dates back to the 15th century and with all that history it’s

Absolutely worth checking out and to reach the top you have a few different options you can hike on one of the four main walking trails to the castle which offers shaded Forest paths and stunning views of the lublana skyline we enjoyed walking up One path and then down

Another so you get different Vantage points along the way it’s definitely a steep hike up but it’s actually pretty short our party had a couple different age groups in it and everybody was able to make it to the top but if walking isn’t your thing you can also take a

Finic right to the castle entrance for this you can expect a short but very Scenic ride from the lower station to the castle station we’ve heard that the giant glass windows offer some great views with a smooth ride once you reach the castle you can explore the Courtyard

Area for free but if you want to venture inside its Museum inner rooms or climb the tower you’ll need tickets which you can purchase from the ticket booth right before the drawbridge so we’ve made it to the top of the castle here in Louisana in the views you get from the top are

Absolutely incredible there’s a couple different walking paths you can take to walk up here all of them lead you to the castle and as you climb up you get increasingly good views the trails are pretty wellmaintained it’s soft gravel and then there’s some wooden stairs there’s a lot of spots to pause along

The way so even though it’s a bit of a hike to get up here it’s definitely doable for people of all ages the next thing you need to do when you visit lublana is to check out its Lively Central Market being centrally located in the city center this is a great spot

To fuel up on some Slovenian food and culture one of the best things to do in lublana is to check out the Central Market Market this takes place every day except Sunday but we’re told the best day to come is Saturday I think it’s a little bit more extensive on Saturdays

Here you can get any fresh fruit and veggie your heart desires it seems and there’s also a lot of stall selling artwork t-shirts Sausage Meats cheeses honey and man is it bustling it seems like all of the locals come here to get their weekly groceries and it’s also way

Bigger than we were expecting we’ve been to farmers markets in the states that aren’t nearly this big and everything looks extremely fresh and and everyone’s so friendly here too it’s definitely worth a visit even if you don’t buy anything just to take some of the local culture in and while you’re at the

Market just a tip for you we were told the Stalls by the main road tend to be the most expensive so definitely wander in if you want to get the best price so another iconic thing you need to do when you come to Luana is check out their

Fresh milk vending machine believe it or not for 3030 there’s a vending machine that disperses these empty plastic bottles I think a dollar you could actually get a glass bottle and it’s located right next to this milk vending machine so I don’t know if I can drink a

Liter of milk on the spot but I’m told this is something you have to do when you come to lublana so to start filling up the milk I think I just put a few more coins in here and then it opens up I can start filling so let’s see if that

Works and it just opens like that that’s like straight out of a science fiction movie all right this might be a two-hand operation so here goes nothing no way that’s awesome wow and it’s ice cold that’s amazing I guess got to have a sip here while it’s as fresh as possible so

Cheers that’s actually really nice I almost feel like a kid drinking just a glass of milk again that is so nice and refreshing and I think it’s actually unpasteurized milk so I think you can’t even get this in the US which is probably why it tasted that much sweeter that’s actually delicious and

Not only is this milk swe sweet it’s great for Sharon too Bottoms Up and no trip to luon is complete without crossing over one of the city’s most iconic landmarks the Dragon Bridge this reinforced concrete bridge spans the Luan river that runs through town and is famous for its four copper dragons that guard the Bridge’s entrance we’re at the Dragon Bridge here in

Lublana and the dragon is sort of the staple icon of lublana and if you’re wandering around Luana you’re going to see a whole lot of dragons here and that’s because Legend has it that Jason the founder of Luana had slay a dragon so you’ll see dragons on t-shirts

Magnets and bridges like you can see here and Legend has it that one a virgin walks across the bridge the Dragon’s Tail Wag so keep an eye on them next we’re heading to probably the most iconic Square in Slovenia to Marvel at one of its main attractions the triple

Bridge this is luana’s most historic river crossing the town’s original Bridge being built here over 700 years ago and over that time the bridges spanning the water have grown and now enabled both locals and tourists to cross a river divide luana’s old town with ease originally there was just one

Bridge on the site but in the early 1900s two more pedestrian Bridges were added to prevent traffic bottlenecks now you can expect to find Street vendors artists and street performers along the triple Bridge which makes it a beautiful and Lively area we love this area and walking along the River Street so just

Walking up and down the river is another great thing to do while near the triple Bridge another Lu Lana icon you need to see is The Franciscan Church of the Annunciation or otherwise known as the pink church this broke style church is one of the main symbols in lublana with

Its towering stature guarding over luana’s main square and while the church is pink color makes it one of slovenia’s most unique churches it wasn’t always pink it actually used to be painted red to honor The Franciscan monastic order symbolic color however over time it faded to Pink which the slovenians like

Better and it’s been this beautiful shade of salmon ever since just outside the church is the town’s preran Square which is one of the most Lively in the city you can expect to find people people singing dancing and having an overall Lively time in the Square just outside the church another great thing

About this Square in summer is they have a rain machine here and it is so refreshing the next place to see in Luana is matova being about a 10 to 15 minute walk from the historic City Center this is the main Modern Art District in lupana this area was

Originally a prison in Yugoslavia but has been transformed now into an artist commune if you’re adventurist you can actually still stay in a hostel here where the rooms are the old prison cells and even if you don’t want to stay you can admire the endless street art line

In this area’s walls so this part of uana is known best for its grungy street art there’s tons of sculptures Street paintings and all these buildings are covered in technical or painted murals it definitely has kind of a spooky Vibe with a lot of the paintings being a

Little more eerie I’m not huge into graffi myself but if you’re into street art you definitely have to check this place out when in lublana the next thing you need to do in lublana is to take a Riverboat Cruise it’s no secret that luana’s architecture that runs along the

River is stunning so seeing it from the water is one of the best ways to appreciate all the find details luckily there are plenty of Riverboat Cruises that’s apart frequently throughout the day and offer you amazing views of the city you can find vendors selling riverbat tickets on the Lock Bridge

Right near the Central Market from here you’ll descend the stairwell to water level where you can board your boat along the way you’ll pass under LU on his famous Bridges and see its beautiful architecture you’ll also get to see some of the surrounding Countryside while

Cruising be sure to keep an eye out for nutrius cute Beaver likee creatures that call the banks of the river their home we’ve also heard dogs are allowed on board which is greaty you’re travel with our furry friend so we’re on one of the river boats right now it is incredibly

Scenic we’re here right around Sunset and the colors you get are amazing one of the things we really like about this is you start in town and you get to see all the beautiful buildings from the water but it also takes you out through the suburbs you can kind of see a bit

More how locals live and it takes you even further where you get almost more Rural and you just get these beautiful views of the mountains it’s about a 45-minute ride and it has been a joy the entire way absolutely worth checking out another thing to do while visiting

Lublana is take a day trip to slovenia’s famous Lake bled being just an hour from Luana City City Center visiting this tranquil Alpine Lake can be an amazing day trip to consider here you can walk around the lake fly downhill on its surprisingly thrilling Sky Coaster or

Take a platinum boat out to the lakes’s iconic Island Church there’s actually been a church on this island for over 800 years and it’s a magical spot to explore we absolutely fell in love with like blood the first time we visited and actually recently got married here so be

Sure to subscribe so you can see that as well as blood’s famous castle where we celebrated after the wedding back in lublana another thing that can be fun to do when visiting is to explore the capital on two wheels we biked around lublana on our first trip to the city

Several years ago and felt it was one of the most fun ways to experience the city and thankfully Lana makes this easy you can run a bicycle for € from the city’s many public bike stations which we cover at a greater length in our lublana travel guide video so be sure to check

That out as well one of the best ways you can immerse yourself in Slovenian culture is by trying the food with the area’s fertile valleys and breathtaking Mountain Farms Luana has built a dynamic and delicious food scene we share all sorts of famous lenan Delicacies you

Need to try in your trip ranging from street food all the way up to Michin star restaurants so be sure to subscribe so you can see our Luana food tour as well another thing to do in Luana is just shop and that might seem pretty obvious but we actually don’t do much

Shopping in other cities just because a lot of the cities that we go to can feel really touristy they’re only selling cheap souvenirs but in Lana we found there’s a lot of really cool shops with products made directly in svenia that are pretty high quality and pretty

Useful as well so we’re definitely not souvenir shoppers but there have been things that have definitely cost I here just because they’re so unique to the city so definitely check out some of these cool small shops when you’re in town so those are our top things to do

In Lana please like this video if you found it helpful and be sure to subscribe to see your upcoming Adventures after Slovenia we’re heading to split into braet Croatia then bosni and herina Montenegro and several amazing sites in Greece so make sure you subscribe so you don’t miss it thanks

And we’ll see you in the next one Adio N

Video “Top Things to Do in Ljubljana, Slovenia” was uploaded on 01/27/2024. Watch all the latest Videos by Sharing the Road on Gretopia