International Spy Thriller is a gripping and intense film that follows Larry Martin, a Newsweek reporter who leads a double life as a CIA operative. When five wealthy girls are kidnapped by the Palestinian Liberation Army, Martin teams up with Israeli intelligence to rescue them from the clutches of the terrorists.
Starring the legendary Peter O’Toole as Larry Martin and Richard Attenborough as the ruthless terrorist leader Sloat, the film is filled with powerful action sequences and edge-of-your-seat suspense. As Martin races against time to save the kidnapped girls, he must also contend with the wealthy fathers of the victims who have their own agendas.
Directed by a talented filmmaker and written by a skilled screenwriter, International Spy Thriller is a must-watch for fans of espionage and action films. With its fast-paced plot and stellar performances, this movie is sure to keep audiences on the edge of their seats from start to finish.
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Video “International Spy Thriller | Movie Powerful Action Full Length English Latest New Best Action Movies” was uploaded on 07/18/2024 to Youtube Channel CinemaID