Biden affirms stance against late-term abortion

Biden affirms stance against late-term abortion

Former Vice President Joe Biden recently clarified his stance on late-term abortion during a town hall event. In response to a question from the audience, Biden stated that the Democratic Party is not in favor of late-term abortions.

“We are not for late-term abortion. Period,” Biden asserted during the event. This statement comes as a clear declaration of his position on the controversial issue, and serves to address any misconceptions about his stance on the matter.

Biden’s remarks highlight the complexities surrounding the abortion debate, and the importance of understanding the nuanced positions of politicians on this issue. By unequivocally stating his opposition to late-term abortions, Biden aims to reassure voters about where he stands on this controversial issue.

Overall, Biden’s comments serve as a reminder that the Democratic Party does not universally support late-term abortions, and that there is diversity of opinion within the party on this topic. As the 2020 election approaches, it will be interesting to see how this issue continues to shape the conversation around reproductive rights and healthcare.

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Video “Biden: ‘We are not for late-term abortion'” was uploaded on 06/28/2024 to Youtube Channel New York Post