Biden expresses anger over unverified claims from servicemembers: ‘You’re the one being duped, you’re the one at a loss’

Biden expresses anger over unverified claims from servicemembers: ‘You’re the one being duped, you’re the one at a loss’

During a heated moment in Thursday’s presidential debate in Atlanta, President Biden became visibly angry when addressing unverified reports of Donald Trump allegedly calling amputated servicemembers “suckers” and “losers.” Biden, clearly emotional, defended his son and other servicemembers by saying, “My son was not a loser. He’s not a sucker.”

Directly addressing Trump, Biden proclaimed, “You’re the sucker, you’re the loser.” This moment showcased a rare display of raw emotion from the President as he defended the honor and sacrifice of military members.

The exchange between Biden and Trump during the debate has sparked controversy and has left many questioning the motivations and character of both candidates. The New York Post has the latest updates on this story and more.

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Video “Biden gets visibly angry over unverified servicemember claims: ‘You’re the sucker, you’re the loser'” was uploaded on 06/28/2024 to Youtube Channel New York Post