Biden faces make-or-break moment as calls for resignation increase • FRANCE 24 English

Biden faces make-or-break moment as calls for resignation increase • FRANCE 24 English

As pressure mounts on Joe Biden from within the Democratic Party to quit the presidential race, now is the time for the US vice president to make a crucial decision: to do or die.

Amidst concerns about Biden’s age, electability, and recent gaffes on the campaign trail, prominent figures within the party have started to openly question his ability to go up against President Donald Trump in the 2020 election. Calls for Biden to step aside in favor of a younger, more progressive candidate have only grown louder in recent weeks.

The growing pressure on Biden to quit the race comes at a pivotal moment for the Democratic Party, as they struggle to unite and find a candidate who can present a strong challenge to Trump. With the first primaries just around the corner, the stakes are higher than ever for the party to select a nominee who can rally support and defeat the incumbent president.

For Biden, the decision to continue or drop out of the race is a do or die moment. As the pressure mounts, he must carefully weigh his options and consider the best path forward for himself and the party. The coming days will be critical in determining the fate of Biden’s presidential ambitions and the future of the Democratic Party.

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Video “‘Do or die’ for Biden as pressure to quit grows • FRANCE 24 English” was uploaded on 07/19/2024 to Youtube Channel FRANCE 24 English