Biden speaks on ‘Cancer Moonshot’ at Tulane University | NBC News LIVE

Biden speaks on ‘Cancer Moonshot’ at Tulane University | NBC News LIVE

President Joe Biden delivered an impassioned speech on the “Cancer Moonshot” initiative at Tulane University in New Orleans. The President spoke about his administration’s commitment to finding a cure for cancer, a disease that has touched the lives of millions of Americans.

The Cancer Moonshot initiative was launched during the Obama-Biden administration with the goal of accelerating cancer research and treatment. President Biden has made it a priority to continue this important work, emphasizing the need for collaboration among scientists, researchers, and healthcare professionals.

During his remarks, President Biden highlighted the importance of investing in innovative technologies and therapies that can help save lives and improve patient outcomes. He also spoke about the personal impact of cancer, sharing stories of loved ones who have battled the disease.

The President’s speech at Tulane University underscored his dedication to tackling one of the most pressing health challenges of our time. By reinvigorating the Cancer Moonshot initiative, President Biden is sending a clear message that his administration is committed to making progress in the fight against cancer.

Overall, President Biden’s remarks at Tulane University on the “Cancer Moonshot” initiative served as a reminder of the importance of investing in research and collaboration to conquer cancer once and for all.

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Video “LIVE: Biden delivers remarks on ‘Cancer Moonshot’ at Tulane University | NBC News” was uploaded on 08/13/2024 to Youtube Channel NBC News