In the upcoming thriller movie “BIRDEATER,” directed by an unknown filmmaker and featuring a relatively unknown cast, the audience is taken on a dark and twisted journey. The film centers around a bride-to-be who is invited to her fiancé’s bachelor party, only for uncomfortable details of their relationship to be revealed, leading to a night that takes a feral turn. The tension escalates as secrets are exposed and the characters are forced to confront their own demons. With a gripping storyline and intense performances, “BIRDEATER” promises to be a thrilling and suspenseful cinematic experience for audiences in 2025.
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Video “BIRDEATER Official Trailer (2025) Thriller Movie HD” was uploaded on 12/06/2024 to Youtube Channel Rapid Trailer
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Who would watch this?
Another indie pretentious movie
I'd love to tell you that Oz isn't full of ferals, but I would be lying. Devoting 90+ minutes to watching a movie about ferals is incredibly redundant.
Ohhh January films
Stupid fuckin movie. wtf? I hated every character. Made no fuckin sense even after they explain everything at the end. just pissed me off.
Weird. Causes my brain to hurt randomly. Nothing makes sense.