The trailer for “BLOAT” sets the stage for a spine-chilling horror thriller that will leave viewers on the edge of their seats. The film follows a mother and her two sons on a vacation in Japan, where the tranquility of their trip is shattered by a near-death experience when the younger son almost drowns in a lake.
As the family attempts to recover from the traumatic incident, it becomes clear that something sinister has taken hold of their youngest boy. The parents soon realize that their son is not the same innocent child they once knew, and as unexplainable events begin to unfold, they are forced to confront a nightmare they never saw coming.
Directed by a talented filmmaker and featuring a talented cast, “BLOAT” promises to be a chilling and suspenseful journey into the darkness of the human psyche. With its eerie atmosphere and gripping storyline, this film is sure to keep audiences on the edge of their seats until the very end. Get ready for a heart-pounding and terrifying cinematic experience unlike any other.
Watch the video by Rapid Trailer
Video “BLOAT Official Trailer (2025) Horror, Thriller” was uploaded on 01/26/2025 to Youtube Channel Rapid Trailer
I watched this video and realized I need a new way to lift my spirits – more funny videos💖
When I saw the screen glow on the guy's face in the thumbnail, I thought it was going to be about a nightmare with software prepackaged with your store-bought computer.
Sign me up for tickets. I’m in
Is that Jim Gordon from Gotham?!
Trailer suck ruin the mystery when they TELL/SHOW the monster. It takes away the need to watch the movie if you know what it causing the problem. Also, looks like its written by AI.
Ninjablack and Jim Gordon in the same movie
Wow! Looks good