Bomb squad to intentionally set fire to fire-damaged CT home following discovery of large stash of fireworks

Bomb squad to intentionally set fire to fire-damaged CT home following discovery of large stash of fireworks

In a bizarre turn of events, a fire-damaged home in suburban Connecticut that was discovered to be filled with dangerous fireworks is set to be deliberately burned down by the bomb squad. After a significant amount of commercial-grade fireworks were found in the garage, officials decided that a controlled burn was the best way to dispose of the explosive materials.

The decision to set the Bruce Drive home ablaze comes after the fireworks were reportedly wired to a control panel during a fire on Saturday. Deputy Police Chief Kevin Stratton explained that it would be easier and safer to burn down the home and let the fireworks explode, rather than attempt to remove and dispose of the potentially unstable materials.

With the exact amount of explosive material inside the home unknown, officials are taking precautions to ensure the safety of the surrounding area during the controlled burn. The situation serves as a reminder of the dangers of fireworks and the importance of handling them properly.

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Video “Bomb squad to deliberately burn down fire-damaged CT home after finding enormous trove of fireworks” was uploaded on 06/27/2024 to Youtube Channel New York Post