Bomb threats force schools and offices in US city to shut down

Bomb threats force schools and offices in US city to shut down

Schools and government buildings in Springfield, Ohio were evacuated for the second consecutive day due to bomb threats, following a series of false rumors spread by former President Donald Trump. The threats, which were sent via email, claimed that bombs had been planted in various locations including the homes of local officials, City Hall, schools, and government offices.

Authorities took immediate action by evacuating the targeted buildings and conducting thorough searches with the help of explosive-detection dogs. The threats caused disruption and panic in the community, leading to a temporary closure of schools and offices to ensure the safety of residents.

The incident in Springfield highlights the dangers of spreading false information and the impact it can have on public safety. It also serves as a reminder of the importance of taking all threats seriously and implementing proper security measures to protect the community from potential harm.

As investigations into the source of the threats continue, residents are urged to remain vigilant and report any suspicious activity to authorities. The situation in Springfield serves as a sobering reminder of the need for caution and awareness in the face of security threats.

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Video “Schools and offices close in US city after receiving bomb threats • FRANCE 24 English” was uploaded on 09/14/2024 to Youtube Channel FRANCE 24 English