Bon Jovi: A Look Back at  – Video

Bon Jovi: A Look Back at – Video

The video titled Bon Jovi | 60 Minutes​ Archive provides an in-depth look at the iconic rock band and their lead singer, John Bon Jovi. After over 25 years in the music industry, Bon Jovi remains one of the most successful acts in music history. The video discusses the band’s origins in the clubs of the New Jersey Shore and their rise to fame, surpassing critical acclaim to become one of the best-selling bands in the world. The frontman, John Bon Jovi, is described as a showman, salesman, philanthropist, and CEO, exhibiting a rare combination of skills in the music business. The story also delves into Bon Jovi’s personal life, including his marriage to his high school sweetheart and their family life, largely kept out of the public eye. Additionally, the video gives insight into Bon Jovi’s aspirations, including his ownership of the Philadelphia Soul arena football team, and his dreams of owning part of an NFL franchise. Overall, the video provides a comprehensive look at the enduring success and legacy of Bon Jovi as a band and as an individual.

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60 Minutes rewind When you mention the name Bon Joy you’re really talking about two things it’s the name of one of the most famous rock bands in the world and it’s also the name of its frontman and lead singer John bonjovi either way after a quarter of a century in the spotlight you’re

Still talking about one of the most successful acts in music history since emerging from the clubs of the New Jersey Shore a decade after Bruce Springsteen bonjovi has sold just as many records around the world but without the Fanfare and critical Acclaim and none of it would have happened

Without the founder John bonjovi showman salesman philanthropist Sportsman and cleared CEO who is very much an anomaly in the music business on a hot New Jersey day last July giant stadium in the Meadowlands was filling up for a live Earth benefit featuring some of the most famous rock

Stars on the planet a few thousand feet overhead John bonjovi one of the main Headliners and the crowd’s favorite was surveying his domain me this is my hometown Stadium I’m so crazy about this building and with good reason in this day and age there are only a handful of

Groups that can fill a football stadium and bonjovi has done it here eight times when I’m just driving down Route Three 6 months from now I’ll drive by it and say hello baby hello Mama I’ll see you soon do it a half an hour later he is on the

Ground and in the dressing room chugging little bottles of Jin sang as the rest of the band goes through its pre-concert routine that’s what are you doing right now getting my muscles warmed up we got a picture guys after a few pictures with his fans more than 50,000 people will

Get what they’ve been waiting for it was the beginning of another good run in a very long career that has been full of them his 10th album Lost Highway was number one on the billboard charts and he was just beginning Another World Tour that’s expected to gross more than a

Quarter of a billion dollars before it ends this summer this has been a very good year for you I haven’t had a bad year since the doctor slapped me on the ass he’s not bragging just commenting on his own incredible good luck he was born John Francis bonjovi an hours drive from

The Meadowlands to a father who was a marine turned hairdresser and a mother who was a marine turned Playboy bunny it explains the good looks and the discipline he needed to survive the stigma of being one of the original 1980s hairbands you know you got to

Laugh you got to have some fun with it or you know I’ve jokingly said I’m responsible for the hole in the ozone layer he’s still trying to live it down and it probably hasn’t helped his street cred do you think you’ve gotten the respect that’s due well that depends on

You know I you want to define the the word respect his longevity respect is you know coming home and and having your family be proud of you respect I don’t know if if what you’re asking me is critical Acclaim you know there are critic starlings that I won’t

Be I got that when Bon Joy’s third album Slippery When Wet debuted in 1986 Rolling Stone wrote that it sounded like bad fourth generation medal the album sold 25 million copies and bonjovi got the last laugh one of the biggest albums of all time is called slippery when wet

It’s uh you know if if Living on a Prayer hasn’t crossed generations and had its influence on this culture and isn’t the biggest You Know karaoke song or Stadium song that’s up there with anyone’s ever let me know because it’s just obviously not the truth he followed it up with six

More platinum albums and enough hits to make his soldout concerts among the hottest tickets in the music industry in a business that’s struggling to survive Bon Joi is still a cash cow and no one works harder at it four to five 2 and 1/2 hour shows per week when he’s on the

Road with only a couple of two-minute breaks to change clothes and cool off before going back on stage I have to think every night like I’m a prize fighter going out on that stage that it’s going to be the last fight You’ think why would I beat myself

Up like that after 25 years why would you cuz you want to be the best I don’t want to think that any one’s coming in there and going to be better tomorrow night that blue collar work ethic to put on the best show possible is one in a loyal audience that generally prefers

Beer to Wine knows what they like and could care less about the cognic bonjovi likes to think that they’re drawn to his honest optimistic music but he’s not oblivious to his sex appeal which is why he wears those tight jeans for all the ladies on their night out who comes to

Bon joobi concerts well I think it’s probably a 6040 mix of girls to guys why so many women do you think they pay me for two things singing and shaking my rear end they so hopefully that they’re still coming and feeling good about themselves out in public and enjoying that Euphoria

With their friends at some point that um over the years must have posed a bit of a distraction for you didn’t it well sure I mean how can it not they’re beautiful to look at um but if the question is you know why not indulge ultimately I got it

Right the first time he’s talking about his wife Dortha a former high school sweetheart who he’s been married to for 19 years she makes it a point to keep herself and their four children out of the spotlight does she understand all of stuff I mean yeah most definitely

Because she’s been through it with me since its Inception I know she’s talked about women like crawling over her to get to you that’s true but uh like I said she’s very uh self- assured and and independent and strong willed and and knows who she is she also

Happens to be a black belt in karate the family splits their time between New York Long Island and this sprawling estate on the navasink river in the horse country of New Jersey I never would have figured you for a French Chateau there you go never judge a book

By its cover bonji says he and his wife wanted something Timeless and classic something understated e joke that they could grow into so this is the living room the living room do you do any living in here we actually really truly do and with the push of a button he

Showed us why the floor parted and From Below emerged a giant screen that turned the Parlor into a screening room that’s what I call a big screen TV a little bit it is more than suitable for hosting Titans of Industry entertainment Moguls and presidential candidates all of which

Bon Joy is done here and it serves as a signpost for just how rich successful and ambitious he’s become he has aspirations of one day owning part of an NFL franchise which is one of the reasons he decided to buy the Philadelphia Soul of the Arena Football

League back in 2004 nostalgic for the days when players were accessible and tickets affordable bonjovi has tried to recreate the era when a dad could take a bunch of neighborhood kids to a game and when sports franchises gave something back to the community does the football

Team make enough money for you to be doing all this stuff in their name no make any money at all no but we’re uh we’re not losing a lot of money either I didn’t do it to make money in fact on paper owning a sports team doesn’t make

Any sense to anybody it makes no sense it’s not economically viable so bonjovi made the team the umbrella of his philanthropic Endeavors like refurbishing 15 tow houses on what had been one of the worst streets in Philadelphia so 15 of them were built by the soul yeah that’s an ambitious

Project for an arena football team that it is that it is the idea was I was going to take all the monies that we made and give it back and utilize it in ways that would affect the community so initially I was playing Robin Hood and

If you needed a playground at a foster home we built it if you needed beds for a covenant house we gave them to you it helped make the soul one of the most successful franchises in the league and just a few hours after after they won their home opener before 15,000 people

At the wacovia center the arena was being transformed for another bonjovi event this time it was his night job another soldout concert that was taking place on his 46th birthday a few days later the traveling circus with 92 employees and 27 truckloads of gear had moved West to Pittsburgh and as with

Everything else in his life John bonjovi is the ring master so what your payroll Outdoors it’s a couple million a week indoors it’s half of that um it’s High I mean I get sick man there ain’t no insurance for that you know the story will continue after

This John is the leader of this organization it’s defined that’s an advantage Richie Sora is Bon job’s League guitarist 1985 Rolling Stone magazine reported that John was the only person who was actually on the record contract and the rest of you were all employees of his that’s true so that’s

Still the same still the same it’s the most unique position and the most unique thing in the record business I think today it shows you even more the solidarity of what this Union is about Sambora who is made up for Bon Joy’s absence from the gossip columns with a highly publicized

Divorce from Heather laer and troubles with alcohol says no one in the band has ever regretted the arrangement John he’s the master of all philanthropic Endeavors sports teams you know songwriting production record production this I mean the guy is a very very smart man then on top of

That um best kind of best brother a guy could ask for really very consistent always always I mean big played a big part and helped me out of my Deluge over the last year you know kept me up kept me working the Loyalty goes both ways

And Bon jobi has made them Rich beyond their Wildest Dreams Sam Bora drummer Tio Torres and keyboardist Dave briyan have been together for 26 years since the earliest days on the Jersey Shore and they remain among Bon Jovi’s closest friends you guys seem to get along

Pretty well for a rock band we speak the same language we’ve grown up in the same place I mean John and David and I were born by the same baby doctor in the same hospital it’s a relationship that’s closer than marriage you know we can’t divorce each other or

The only way out of this band I think is death that’s about it it’s taken them to London Paris Berlin Tokyo and a few years ago to Nashville for what many people thought was a high-risk Venture into the world of country music but a collaboration with Jennifer Nettles and

Sugarland on a bon Joi song led to one of their biggest hits in years who says you can’t go home became the first song ever written by a rock band to reach number one on the country charts and at one Bon Joy a Grammy a new audience and

Another life he thinks he still has a couple more to go my biography is only half written this was just the opening act and what’s the rest of the story going to be that’s the beauty of it I never was going to be a could have should have would have too many people

Have met her I could have done that I should have done that I would have done that me I said let’s go

About 60 Minutes

“60 Minutes,” the most successful television broadcast in history. Offering hard-hitting investigative reports, interviews, feature segments and profiles of people in the news, the broadcast began in 1968 and is still a hit, over 50 seasons later, regularly making Nielsen’s Top 10.

Video “Bon Jovi | 60 Minutes Archive” was uploaded on 02/02/2024 to Youtube Channel 60 Minutes