Bride-to-Be Chips Tooth One Day Before Wedding – Video

Bride-to-Be Chips Tooth One Day Before Wedding – Video

The video “Bride-to-Be Gets Chipped Tooth Day Before Wedding” captures a truly unfortunate situation that Alex and Lydia Kessinger found themselves in while moving a king-sized mattress to their home in Provo, Utah. In an effort to prevent the mattress from flying away, Lydia decided to lay on top of it and weigh it down from the back of their pickup truck. Unfortunately, the mattress did end up blowing away, taking Lydia along with it.

As a result of the incident, the bride-to-be suffered from severe road rash burns, a chipped tooth, and bruises all over her body just one day before her wedding. Despite the setback, Lydia was able to get her tooth fixed at the dentist, but she still had to walk down the aisle with visible bruising on her wedding day.

The video serves as a reminder of how quickly a seemingly harmless situation can turn into something potentially dangerous. It also highlights the resilience and determination of Lydia, who was able to overcome the obstacles and still enjoy her wedding day despite the unexpected mishap.

Watch the video by Inside Edition

Video “Bride-to-Be Gets Chipped Tooth Day Before Wedding” was uploaded on 06/07/2024 to Youtube Channel Inside Edition