Buenos Aires rocked by violent clashes over Argentina’s President Milei reforms

Buenos Aires rocked by violent clashes over Argentina’s President Milei reforms

Violence erupted in the streets of Buenos Aires as protesters clashed with riot police over President Javier Milei’s controversial economic reform package. The package was approved by Argentina’s Senate amidst chaotic scenes outside Congress, with multiple injuries reported.

Many Argentines fear that the reforms will have a negative impact on the country’s struggling economy, as they involve declaring a state of economic emergency, cutting pensions, and weakening labor rights. The tensions between the government and the people have reached a boiling point, leading to violent clashes and a divided nation.

This latest development highlights the deep social and economic challenges facing Argentina, and the ongoing struggle to find a balance between economic growth and social welfare. The situation remains tense as the country grapples with the aftermath of these turbulent events. Stay tuned to BBC News for more updates on this unfolding crisis.

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Video “Buenos Aires rocked by violent clashes over Argentina’s President Milei reforms | BBC News” was uploaded on 06/13/2024 to Youtube Channel BBC News