Butembo Residents Protest Against Advancing M23 Fighters in Eastern DR Congo

Butembo Residents Protest Against Advancing M23 Fighters in Eastern DR Congo

The M23 armed group is making significant advances in eastern Democratic Republic of Congo, causing concern and anger among residents in Butembo. As the fighters continue to push forward, residents took to the streets in protest against the presence of the armed group in their town. The escalating conflict in the region has led to fears of a humanitarian emergency and increased unrest. The situation in Butembo underscores the ongoing crisis in DR Congo, highlighting the need for urgent attention and intervention to address the growing threat posed by armed groups in the region.

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Video “Protest in Butembo against armed group: M23 fighters advancing in eastern DR Congo” was uploaded on 07/02/2024 to Youtube Channel Al Jazeera English